
Snow has stuck to the ground for three days in a row now, winter appears to be upon you. As if to confirm it a rider has brought news that Company is returning to Salzenmund for winter quarters.   With this news, work is needed; given your exploits of the past year you have been charged with arranging a suitable celebration for another successful campaign season for the whole company.   This will complete Chapter 1.   Unlocks:
  • Fringe Benefit, perk - Corporal's Rank [Cost: 1XP]
  • Fringe Benefit, perk - Quartermaster's Assistant [Cost: 2XP]
  • Fringe Benefit, perk - Doktor's Assistant [Cost: 1XP]
  • Fringe Benefit, perk - Chroniclers' Assistant [Cost: 1XP]
  • Fringe Benefit, perk - Company Scout [Cost: 1XP]
  • Language: Company Battle Tounge [Cost: 1-4XP]
  • Language: Silent Signing [Cost: 1-2XP]
  • Language: Tilean [Cost: 1XP]

Ruckus in the Reikland


The Grey Company

Completion Date
DEC 17
Related Locations

HeroHAMMER stained glass logo