Magical Primer

How to Use Magic

  The use of Arcane Magic is both incredibly difficult and taxxing upon the body. Most casters depend upon their own energies (END) to fuel their spells. A few notable exceptions to the use of a Wizard's own END can occur in places of power, where the energy can be pulled from the ambient area, or by channeling the energies from the Aether with the Winds of Magic.  

Second Sight

Second Sight - - Second Sight is a Discrimitory Sense vs "Magic" with no range. You may purchase enchancers such as: Analyze +5 XP, Targeting +10 XP, or Range +5xp   END COST - 0   Second Sight is required to perceive or cast Magic. [Cost 10 xp]    

Casting the Spell

The act of casting a spell depends greatly on the perceise usage of the language of magic (Lingua Praestantia). A spellcaster uses this knowledge to articulate the Aether into the desire form by rolling the skill:   Knowledge Skill: Lingua Praestantia (Language of Magic). As spells become more powerful they also become more complex, adding to the difficult of casting advanced magics.   Within Magic there are four grades of spell: Petty, Arcane, Lore, and Chaos. Humans may learn a single Lore, while Elves may buy additional Lore as Perks, with a cost of 2 XP per Lore.  

Tailoring the Spell

A Wizard who is casting an Petty or Arcane spell may tailor or boost the power of the spell by adding a successful: KS: Lore of [Wizard's School]  

Limitations of Magic

All spells require the ability to speak, some may require material components, and others may also require gestures. In a caster is unable to speak clearly but where they could still try to speak, such as being underwater or with a gag in their mouth, penalities may be applied to the casting roll.  

Arcane Enhancers


    Perk: Member of the College of Magics [Cost: 3 XP]
    Perk: Probationary Arcane Licence [Cost: 1 XP]
    Perk: Basic Alchemy Laboratory Access [Cost: 5 XP]


All skills are [Cost: 2 XP for an 11- roll, or 3 XP for 9 + (INT/5 +1 to roll per +1 XP]
  • AK: Places of Arcane Power
  • KS: College of Salzenmund
  • KS: Demonology
  • KS: Enchantment
  • KS: Heresy
  • KS: Lingua Praestantia
  • KS: Lore of Chaos Magic
  • KS: Lore of Beasts Magic
  • KS: Lore of Death Magic
  • KS: Lore of Fire Magic
  • KS: Lore of Heavens Magic
  • KS: Lore of Hedgecraft Magic
  • KS: Lore of Metal Magic
  • KS: Lore of Nercromacy Magic
  • KS: Lore of Life Magic
  • KS: Lore of Light Magic
  • KS: Lore of Shadows Magic
  • KS: Lore of Witchcraft Magic
  • KS: Warpstone
  • KS: Winds of Magic


Spells can be found within their respective Traditions/Orders in the sidebar.

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