Rules Primer


We are using the setting and feel of Warhammer Fantasy Role Play 4th Edition to set the tone and environment. While we will be using Fantasy Hero/Champions (6th Edition) for the mechanics.   Hero is a point-by-system that adds great versatility to play. Nearly any ability can be replicated or customized within the rules set, making it a wonderful system to use cross-genre.   Unless otherwise stated, assume we are using the mechanics 6th Edition of Champions Complete, and we have copied the layout of the book for headings.  

Character Creation



A new characteristic with a cost of 5 points per. Sanity represents the character's connection to their mind. Any loss of sanity is an expensive one.


Character Maxima's (Extended)

A 75 CP character build with 25PTs of Complications.



13XP (3CP+5 Increases)

Perks, Talents, Powers, Magic

A large number of special abilities have been listed here for you.  

Heroic Action Points


Each session you roll 2d6 for H.A.P.s.   You may use these H.A.P.s in the following ways;
  • Modify a willing allies 3d6 roll, Cost 2 for 1
  • Modify your own 3d6 roll, Cost 1 for 1
  • Add Body to your own damage roll, Cost 1 for 1
  • Add to your DCV against one single attack, Cost 1 for 1
  • Add +1d6 to your Presence Attack for 1 H.A.P.
  • Add +10 Active Points to a your Spell for 1 H.A.P.
  • Convert to Days to Live (DTL) at end of session, Cost 1 for 1

Character and the World

Days to Live (DTL)

This is a work in progress
This is a work in progress
  Days to Live is a mechanic that represents the dynamic between stress and resources within your characters life. The primary method of gaining DTL is converting unused H.A.P.s at the end of the session to DTL at a 1 to 1 ratio. One H.A.P. will gain you one DTL.  

DTL Social Level

DTL is influenced by your current level of society; Brass, Silver, or Gold.  
Brass 0 to 74
The standard level of pesant living. 75 to advance to Silver Level

Silver 75 to 200
The level of successful merchants and respected trades. You must retain 75 DTL at all times or slip from Silver. 200 to advance to Gold Level

Gold 200 to ∞
Comfort and lifestyle befitting a noble ranging to that of an Emperor. You must retain 200 DTL at all times or slip from Gold Level

DTL Crafting

It will also be used to pay for some crafting and offscreen activities.
  • Alchemical Creations (Potions\Salves\Grenades) [Cost 5 DTL and potential XP cost]
  • Scrolls (Written Spells) [Cost 8 DTL and potential XP cost]
  • Crafting an item with special powers, but nonmagical abilities [Cost: 10 DTL + XP cost]
  • Crafting an item suitable for standard enchantment [Cost: 18 DTL + XP cost]
  • Crafting an item suitable for masterwork or multiple enchantments [Cost: 30 DTL + XP cost]
Talk with the GM, "An Item" could be; a dozen of arrows, a solid full plate chest piece, a sword, a painting, several wozen baskets.
Crafting Examples
  Work in Progress - PS: Gunsmithing
Description Some Modifiers to the crafting roll.
Rifle +0
Pistol +1
Blast -1
Ranged Killing Attack (RKA) +1
Charges -1
Per Shot Held* +1
Per Penality Skill Level (PSL)* +1
Per OCV Bonus +2
Dwarven Made Components -6
Magically Treated Components -5
Superb Quality Components -3
Superb Crafting Facilities -3
Taking Double the Time -3
* Gunsmiths require Engineering to incorporate this  
EXAMPLE 4 Shot Repeating Pistol
A 4 shot (8), RKA (1) pistol (1) with a -4 PSL for called Shots (4) that grants +1 OCV to the shot (2), made with magically treated components (-5) in superb crafting facilities (-3), where you take double the time (-3) would suffer a -5 penalty to their crafting roll.
  Work in Progress - PS: Alchemy
Description Some Modifiers to the crafting roll.
Can be thrown safely +1
Blast +0
Ranged Killing Attack (RKA) +1
Per Meter Covered +3
Magically Treated Components -5
Superb Quality Components -3
Superb Crafting Facilities -3
Taking Double the Time -3
EXAMPLE Simple Grenande
A grenade that can be safely thrown (1), causes a blast in a 1M area (3), made using Superb Quality Components (-3) would suffer a -1 penalty to their crafting roll. 




  • If the STUN done to a character by a single attack (after defenses) exceeds his CON, he's Stunned (is at half DCV) until the end of his next phase, losing any held actions.
  • When a character is reduced to zero STUN he is Knocked Out, unless he can pass a Toughness skill roll. While Knocked out, all attacks do twice the normal amount of STUN.
  • PD is used to lessen the effects of all Normal physical attacks (non Killing Attacks). Remove the appropriate amount of PD from any attack that causes STUN, and remove that level of PD from the BODY dealt by that attack. This also applies to ED against energy attacks.
  • rPD is used to lessen the effect of the BODY of Killing Attacks only. EG: BODY done by a Sword Attack.
  • A character automatically takes one STUN for every BODY that made it through their defenses.


New and advanced equipment is listed here:


Fantasy Hero, pg 189   As a fantasy game, we use the weapons charts and properties that start on page 189 of the Fantasy Hero book 6th Edition. The rules here brings some changes to firearms.

Gunpowder Weapons

Fantasy Hero, pg 195   The standard gunpowder/Blackpowder weapons that we deal with are listed below.    
Weapon RMod Damage STR Min Range Notes Warranty Cost
Wheellock Rifle -3 1½d6 AP 12 250m Reload 1 Turn, Activation 12-, Concentration, 2Hands, Blackpowder* 0XP
Wheellock Pistol -4 1d6 AP 11 150m Reload 1 Turn, Activation 11-, Concentration, Blackpowder* 0XP
Blunderbuss -4 1½d6 AP 13 250m Reload 1 Turn, Activation 9-, Concentration, 2Hands, Blackpowder** 0XP
Hochland Long Rifle 0 3d6 AP, +3 OCV, +4 PSL for Hit Locations 13 400m Reload 1 Turn, Activation 14-, Concentration, 2Hands, Blackpowder** 15XP
Matched Pair of Fine Pistols 0 1½d6 AP, +1 OCV, +4 PSL for Hit Locations 12 250m Reload 1 Turn/shot, Activation 13-, Concentration, Blackpowder* 5XP
Sigmar's Fire -3 4d6 Blast, No Normal Defense 13 250m 1 Charge, Concentration, Blackpowder* 5XP
Repeater Pistol -4 1d6 AP 12 100m 4 Shots, Reload 1 Turn/shot, Activation 9-, Concentration, 2Hands, Blackpowder** 7XP
Blackpowder* Apply the Blackpowder effects below
Blackpowder** Apply the Blackpowder effects below twice    
As blackpowder weapons are somewhat fragile and prone to issues, each time they are fired they require an Activation roll.   The activation roll may be substituted with an Engineering or PS: Blackpowder Weapons.    
To keep the spirit of Warhammer blackpowder weapons automatically invoke a +4d6 Presence Attack when fired.  
Reloading Blackpowder
  We will be using an alternate rule for the reloading of blackpowder weapons.
At the GM’s option, a character who succeeds with a Fast Draw (Early Firearms) roll can reduce the time required to load and fire a gunpowder weapon to two Full Phases. Firing the weapon constitutes an Attack Action. Characters can fire gunpowder weapons from horseback (though the noise may spook the animal), but cannot load them while mounted. - pg 201, Hero Fantasy   If the roll succeeds by 5 or more you are a true speedloading master you can reload in a single Phase, by 10 and it is a zero phase action. - HeroHammer
  Old Blackpowder Rules
  • All Gunpowder weapons have a chance to explode except when in the hands of a Dwarf. When a natural 18 is rolled, the user must pass a successful Engineering (Mechanics) roll. With success, the crisis is aborted. With a failure, the weapon blows up in the user's hands and deals its normal damage to them (automatic hit, but rPD applies).
  • Gunpowder weapons with an STR requirement of less than 15, or that are intended to be used by one person have a 1-phase reload time.
  • Some gunpowder weapons require an activation roll to use, this roll can be improved at the cost of 1 XP per +1 to the activation roll.


Fantasy Hero, pg 195  
Weapon RMod Damage STR Min Range Notes
Crossbow, Light +1 1d6+1 12 200m Reload 1 Phase, Concentration, 2Hands
Crossbow, Heavy +1 1½d6 14 250m Reload 1 Phase, Concentration, 2Hands
Arbalest +2 2d6 16 300m Reload 2 Phases, Concentration, 2Hands
Similar to the use of Fast Draw (Early Firearms) to help with reloading a Blackpowder gun, Fast Draw (Crossbows) may be used to speed up the reloading of a crossbow. A successful roll reduces a 1 Phase reload for Crossbows to a Half Phase, and a 2 Phase for Arbalest to 1 Phase. Unlike Blackpowder a stronger success does not further reduce the reload speed of a Crossbow or Arbalest.
    Old Crossbow Rules
  • Crossbows with an STR requirement of less than 15 have a 1-phase reload time. Otherwise, they have a 2-phase reload time.

Replacement Characters & Legacy

Characters will likely experience some of the following during their career*
  • maimed,
  • emotionally damaged,
  • blinded,
  • hallucinations,
  • poisoned,
  • traumatized by near-death experiences,
  • killed,
  • trafficking with ancient powers,
  • develop a love or hatred of polka music
  • *This was not an exhaustive list
It's a harsh life in The Empire.   Replacement characters will join the game with;
  • 10% less experience, to a minimum of 180 pts to build and 50 pts complications
  • 50% of the Days to Live,
than the character they are replacing.   Old Replacement Character Rules
Draft rules for replacement characters can be found here. Replacement Characters

Ruckus in the Reikland


The Grey Company

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