Session: Morr Research

General Summary

  • research goals:
  • - what was the wasp monster at the fight?   - what is necromancy and how does it work? why does it need all these bodies?   -  
  • Eight looks up necromancy and finds out that the inquisitors have removed all the books
  • She only finds historical references to necromancy
  • We deduce some things from the books that have been removed
  • the inquisitors only removed the books in Reikspiel, but not other languages like Tillian or Stellian
  • -  
  • we have a cuthullu type mask, and the clerk at the university said that it is related to the keeper of secrets
  • There is a different continent called Lustria, with giant lizards and place called the "vampire coast" which is very much like pirates of the carribean. Stellians love raiding the coast since they can get lots of riches from it
  • There is old documents that stand out to Boomer of a Captain Horstman who travels frequently from Estrellia
  • We find a book "poems of Werner Kurrat Niske" with nature poems that seems to be from Baron Niske's grant father
  • a charcoal drawing falls out of a book about Lustria. It is a drawing of "old ones" that are lizard like
  • when look through eye holes in the mask (without wearing the mask), I see one of the books on the shelf is glowing. Without the mask, the book is non-descript
  • the book is called "Observations from The Keeper of Secrets"
  • the book is a bit disturbing when we see the characters on the page morph into other characters. We all remain sane
  • both versions of the words in the book, seem to be refering to other texts
  • we find a symbol of the "old ones" in the book that looks a lot like a symbol that we saw down at the docks
  • We let Eight read the book through the mask (again without wearing it) for 1h. She has +26 INT for the next 6-24h. She re-reads the book and keeps learning new things
  • She goes and learns a new spell to help her locate books, and it takes her less than 1h
  • When casting the spell. she locates a non-descript book (even when looking through the mask) that has the symbol of the old ones. it is written in Reikspiel but does not make sense. She find 5 maps in the book (map A-E)
  • with her increased INT she is able to break the cipher in the book with enough time
  • in the book we find notes on lizard people of Lustria. One of the notes says to "only fight them in the cold". Lustria is a warm place, and likely the lizards are cold bloded and need the heat of the day to be active.
  • we learn that the "keeper of secrets" is a title for a position, not just a single person.
  • we go over to the temple of Mannan since I have contacts there, and the iconography in the books is all aquatic
  • as we are traveling up to the temple, we see a ship's bow dip into the water, and then go under the water. The harbour seems to be steaming
  • we continue to the temple, and talk to Brother Hakon
  • Brother Hakon tells use that the "old ones" is actually the "Cold ones" which are lizard people in Lustria. They are intelligent lizard people.
  • we ask him about the old ones symbol, he says that
  • we show Hakon the mask, and recognizes it. he is worried about us for having the mask, but we explain that we took it from someone that we killed.
  • we hear bells from outside, and a sailor bursts into the temple, then says that there is chaos in the harbour. the sailor begs the church of Mannan to help save the city.
  • Brother Hakon pauses our conversation and then goes to tell the Wave Lord of what's going on. We ask to help with the situation, and go meet with the Wave Lord too.
  • the Wave Lord asks us why we are here, and we explain our research
  • the Wave Lord and Hakon talk to each other in Norseken (which Close Shave knows, but just listens). They talk about us having a mask of the keeper of secrets. They want to keep us and the Cult of Morr out of this.
  • We speak up in Norseken, that we know that they are trying to cut us off. They ask for the mask, and we say "no"
  • they go off to deal with the situation at the docs. Close Shave follows the Wave Lord as he gets more preists and tells them to calm the populace.
  • At the docks, it is all misty, and the wave lord goes into a dock a performs a ritual that causes the mist to be gathered into the harbour water.
  • -back at the temple, the party is being followed by sailor that are carrying belaying pins, clearly trying to intimidate us. The sailors then attack the party but are deflected by the party disappearing by a spell.  
  • We capture and shake down one of the sailors. The sailor tells us that his captain told a few sailors to come and take the mask from the party.
  • Missions/Quests Completed

    Ruckus in the Reikland


    The Grey Company

    Report Date
    05 Feb 2024

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