Trouble on the docks

Back to Completed Quests   As the harvest has come in, the docks have been bustling with trade. Not everything has gone smoothly though. The Sailor-Priests of Manann are prophizing that winter storms will make travel impossible and it's driving up prices on the Steinhaffen docks. You and a squad are being sent over to see what is going on.   This adventure begins a chain.
  • AK: Osthaffen Docks
  • AK: Steinhaffen Docks
  • KS: Nordland Trade
        Started: Sept 24 by Hammer, Boomer, Tines, The Cleaner, Close Shave   Joined by Amber and Inquisitor on Oct 1st.

    Ruckus in the Reikland


    The Grey Company

    Completion Date
    OCT 1
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