Under the Schumtzmarkt

Recomended Group

5 Players
  1. The Cleaner
  2. Inquisitor
  3. Boomer
  4. Copperbone
  5. --
Once the magma cooled around the Schumtzmarkt, the Special Platoon is sent down to ensure that there was no further danger to the city.   Blackie asks that you bring any evidence of Cinder's actions back for Penance to investigate.   Meanwhile The Ormsdeep continues to steam.
Skill Unlocks:
KS: Heresy    
New Reputation:




Four Experience Points (4 XP)  

Bonus DTLs:


Ruckus in the Reikland


The Grey Company

Completion Date
MAR 28
Plot type
Parent Plot
Related Characters
Related Locations

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