
Scattered in small numbers across the many mountains of Vallahir are tiny silver mushroomss. Their colour is not the only unique characteristic. Dwarfs that have encountered these majestic Blipplerip always tell the same story.  
I'm telling you, they sing!
— A dwarf uneased by their encounter with a Blipplerip


Researchers have not been able to study the Blipplerip as much as the other Robinson mushrooms. Therefore, their method of reproduction largely shrouds in mystery. All that they have observed so far, is that the Blipplerip seems to release their spores at irregular times. Sometimes during snow, but also during heavy rain, blazing sunny days, or at moments of the howling winds. There is only one constant: all the spores emit a turquoise light upon their release into the world.  


So far, researches have observed that the Blipplerip firmly attaches itself onto rocks and boulders of the mountains; whether it be in caves, or outside in the wind. The current assumption is that they feed on minerals inside the rocks, but it is hard to confirm due to the scarcety of the mushroom. Furthermore, the Blipplerip prevents proper study of their food, because they are simply impossible to get off the rocks.  


There are strong indications among researchers so far, that the minerals inside the rocks cause some form of chemical reaction inside the Blipplerip. At all times, they emit a silver hue, even when they have let go of their boulder. One study even suggests that it isn't the food that causes the bioluminescence, but the vibrations of the rocks.  


The most unique characteristic of the Blipplerip is the music they produce. No one is able to tell so far what causes this phenomenon. Some researchers believe that the signing might be a sign of sentience developing within this species of mushroom. Since they are always found in groups, it might be their way of communicating with one another about... something.   The Blipplerip still shrouds in a lot of mystery. It has left many researches clueless and unable to determine which path to explore next. Dwarfs that come across these little mushrooms always come back a little more uneased. Especially the singing of the Blipplerip puts fear in the hearts of many a dwarf, probably caused by the myth surrounding Ye Musical Doom.
Blipplerip by ShadowPhoenix
Scientific Name
Robinson Blipplerip
Average Height
70 - 100 millimeter
Average Cap Width
30 - 50 millimeter
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
Other Members of the Family Muramura

Cover image: World by World Anvil


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Dec 13, 2021 15:52 by Annie Stein

They sing? Musical doom? :ooo

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Dec 14, 2021 13:22

They sing indeed! But no one know how, unfortunately. :< And the poor dwarfs run away from it!

Dec 14, 2021 11:40 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Singing mushrooms!!! They seems to be making some very eerie music, I'm intrigued now...

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Dec 14, 2021 13:22

I hope to be able to put a sound sample in at some point that closely reflects the sound they make. ^^

Jan 1, 2022 21:03 by Kaleidechse

I like how much mystery still surrounds them, and the reasons why studying them is so difficult. And yeah, I totally understand why the dwarves hold the beliefs mentioned in Ye Musical Doom. Very cool!

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.
Jan 11, 2022 09:53

I'm glad you liked it! :D

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