
Hidden in the caves and on the peaks of the Twilmagne Mountains are tiny glowing mushrooms, the muramura. Using their bioluminescence, these little shrooms light up the caves giving it in an eerie, yet somehow pleasant, green hue.  


Once a year, on the festival of Vlezma Dopari, they release their spores amass and cover the caves and peaks in a sea of microscopic green dots. The spores are bioluminescent for a very brief moment. Dwarfs who have a view of the Twilmange Mountains can see it light up that one time of the year.  


After the spores have settled, they branch out through the rocks of the mountain and begin to grow. These mushrooms are truly tiny. The first stage of their growth, when a stem and cap have formed, they are just 3 millimeters in height with a cap of 1 millimeter. It is almost impossible to see it with the naked eye. When they are fully grown after three weeks, they stand at most 40 millimeters tall with a cap of 20 millimeter wide.  


The muramura thrives on bacteria and minerals found in the rocks of the mountains. The chemical reaction when processing their food makes the mushrooms emit a faint green light. As long as their biolumeniscence is active, the muramura lives. When it stops, the cap folds back and the stem shrinks, leaving behind a shell.  

Robinson Confusion

Some dwarfs claim that they have found the muramura at the Irrena Summit or in the caves of Plymbalt Rise. However, a few researchers from Morach have found evidence that the mushrooms found in these mountains are different. That said, they can understand the confusion because they look very similar.
The Muramura by ShadowPhoenix
Scientific Name
Robinson Muramura
Average Height
20 - 40 millimeter
Average Cap Width
5 - 15 millimeter
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
Other Members of the Family Mixiplix

Cover image: World by World Anvil


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Dec 8, 2021 10:56 by Theo

oh yes adorable baby glow mushrooms!!!   Excellent job!

Dec 10, 2021 13:51

Thank you! :3

Dec 8, 2021 11:23 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Cute little mushrooms!!!   Has anyone tried to eat them before?

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Dec 10, 2021 13:51

Thank you! :3   Some have tried, but they find these little guys quite distasteful. :P

Dec 11, 2021 09:57 by Chi

"they release their spores amass and cover the caves and peaks in a sea of microscopic green dots. The spores are biolumenescent for a very brief moment." This gives such a lovely image in my head, also my autocorrect reacted to bioluminescent I see now.

Dec 11, 2021 10:53

Thank you! ^^   Oops, I'll correct that, thanks for spotting it! <3

Dec 13, 2021 15:48 by Annie Stein

I love seeing self-illustrated articles! This made me so happy!

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