Ye Musical Doom

Whenever a Dwarf hears music coming from the mountain, their heart skips a beat. Their breathing frequency increases, their palms get wet.  
When the mountain starts singing, the dwarfs start running.
— An elf mocking a dwarf


Far back, in the ancient days of the world, it was a tumultuous time. The land was being shaped, the waters being directed, and the people were fighting with one another.   Dwarfs learned early on to trust the mountains with their lives as it has saved them many times before. However, one day, it began to sing... Music came from the mountains all over the planet. The dwarfs had no idea what was happening. A few days later, a volcano erupted, covering the lands with lava and killing everything in its path.   Since then and to this day, the dwarfs associate anything in nature that sings as a sign of devastation and disaster. The only exception they have made over the centuries, is that beings with a visible mouth can sing without bringing disaster upon society.

Historical Basis

There is historical evidence of the massive volcano erruption that has happened in ancient days. However, it is more likely that many of the volcanoes in The Atlassian have errupted at nearly the same moment. Historians have been able to determine that a few of these volcanoes have grown immensely by this event, as the magma stolled and therefore widened the cliffside.   Furthermore, the extremely fertile soil of the Arlingfell Grasshills are a direct result of the eruptions. The lava covered the meadows. It broke down over time, turning into the most fertile soil found on the planet. According to both historians and antropologists, that can only be achieved when massive amounts of lava pour over the lands which links the erruptions of the volcanoes in the Atlassian.   The only part that has left the professionals scratching the back of their heads is the singing part of the myth. Thus far, they haven't been able to properly record and reproduce the sound that the dwarfs claim to hear.


Every dwarf has heard the tales of the singing mountains as a child. This myth is a more child friendly version of the original, but is still packs enough punch to properly scare the dwarfish children. Parents sometimes use it to instill fear in their child as punishment, and to teach them to listen whether it is to themselves or to the mountains. As the children grow older, they come to understand the true meaning of the myth better.   It has become so common, that the tales have made their way outside Dwarfish territory. Especially high elves like to use this myth to mock the dwarf whenever they enter an eerie mountain. The humans are still very sceptical about the entire thing, but they leave it up to the dwarfs to interpret it in whatever way they want.

Variations & Mutation

Over time, the dwarfs encountered the Blipplerip attached to the rocks of the mountains. Not much is known about these little mushrooms. However, they seem to produce the same type of singing sounds that the dwarfs know from the mountains. Combined with the lack of a visible mouth, and the dwarfs started thinking that these mushrooms essentially conveyed the will of the mountain.
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In Literature

There is only one small poem about this event that has survived the olden days. It was found only recently tucked deep away in the mountains of The Atlassian.  
Do yeh hear, do yeh hear?

The mountain be singing.

Do yeh know, do yeh know?

It time to be running.

Pack yehr bags, pack yehr bags.

The mountain is upon us.

Hear us Ogalthr, hear us!

Please calm the mountain for us.

Cover image: World by World Anvil


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Dec 14, 2021 13:30 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Oooooh! I'd be frightened of music too if I were them! And those nasty elves, I bet they sin on purpose every time they go in the mountains? >: (

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jan 11, 2022 09:34

Hehehe, it would certainly be interesting to hear a mountain sing! And yes, those nasty elves be nasty >:(

Dec 18, 2021 12:03 by Chi

Interesting history, love these types of legends that still holds sway over present day folk!

Jan 11, 2022 09:35

Thank you! ^^

Jan 1, 2022 20:55 by Kaleidechse

That title immediately caught my attention. It's a very interesting myth, and I like the poem that is based on it. Now I'll have to read about the Blipplerip, because I'm very curious about how they are connected to this. Well done!

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.
Jan 11, 2022 09:36

Thank you! ^^

Jan 5, 2022 17:47 by K.S. Bishoff

This is really great! Maybe squeezing in another quote or two in the other sections is the only thing I can think of to improve it. Well done!

Come vist my worlds
Jan 11, 2022 09:37

Thank you! ^^ I'll try and think of something to break up the text a little. Maybe an image or a drawing might help as well. :D

Jan 5, 2022 20:42

Nice myth with good foundation. I also find it quite funny.

Jan 11, 2022 09:38

Thank you! ^^

Jan 6, 2022 02:27

I love tales and myths that explain contemporary beliefs or behaviors. This was very neatly done and I fully believe that the relationship between the dwarves, the mushrooms, and the mountains has some very fun possibilities. I especially like that the elves poke fun at the dwarves for their fear, rather neatly poking holes in the fabric of their own prideful reality. Thanks for sharing. :)

Jan 11, 2022 09:41

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! ^^

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