Dwarfish Grooming Industry

With the rise of The Dwarven Twists, the dwarfish grooming industry grew fast. Demand increased rapidly for dwarfs who could style beards and hair, or who could create intricate decorations. An entire industry sprung up to supply beard wigs and chin toupees for the dwarfs that would not grow a beard due to their profession or religious beliefs. Potion brewers received a call for help to create medicine and help those with beard illnesses.   However, there are always people with malicious intend and the grooming industry has become one of their primary targets. These people take advantage of the lesser fortunate and trick them in many ways. There are cartels illegally producing beard wigs with much cheaper materials of lesser quality. Others sell poisonous concoctions to "cure" hair illnesses, and then ask for a randsom to detoxify the victim.  


There are a few professions that define the Dwarfish Grooming Industry these days. These are the groomers, jewelcrafters, blacksmiths, and potion brewerss. These professions have adapted to the demand of dwarfs wanting to become part of Irrean society.  


Main Article: Groomer

Groomer, more specifically beard groomer, has become a proper profession within Dwarfish society since the introduction of using the beard as a social classing system. There was a steady demand for dwarfs capable of creating intricate designs for beards and hair. Besides, it was already difficult as it is to maintain their hair by themselves, so letting someone else take care of it would relief the dwarf.   It is not easy to become a groomer. There are special courses and even an academy in Dunfaern that train dwarfs for the profession. After completion, a dwarf obtains their grooming certificate, licensing them to do grooming as a profession.   But it does not stop there. It takes years of practice to master the art of grooming. However, dwarfs higher up in the social ladder do not want a novice to practice on their hair and beard. Therefore, a junior groomer will always start at the bottom of the social ladder and slowly work their way up to the upper classes, if they wish to do so.   Aside from building up their clientele, it is important for a groomer to create business relations with the other professions tied to the grooming industry. These professions can supply them with the tools they need to perform their work. Besides, business relations can also bring in clients as people can easily refer to their business partner if they need something regarding their hair or beard.  


  Jewelcrafting for grooming has become a niche in the profession. While most people use gems and jewellery in or on clothing or as something to wear, not many dwarfs have yet adopted it for their hair and beards. The primary reason is the price dwarfs are willing to pay to climb to the top of society. Still, beard jewellery is a way to show off the wealth of a dwarf and there is no one better at creating custom jewellery than a jewelcrafter.   Most jewelcrafters do not engage with the grooming industry, since three jewelcrafting families firmly keep the playfield in check: the Goldbranch, Silverspine, and Bronzebow. These families spotted the gap in the market when the Irreans announced the social classing system and promoted the use of beard and hair jewellery early. Nowadays, they produce nearly all the knickknacks Dwarfs put in their hair. Other jewelcrafters stay out of their way, because rumours have it that these families have the power to put them out of business.  


  While beard jewellery with gems and the works are mainly targeted at the upper class of society, the blacksmiths fill that gap for the working and middle class. Dwarfs like to incorporate different metals in their clothing and doing so for their hair would complement it. Especially miners like to show off the bits and pieces that they found and we're allowed to keep.   Furthermore, blacksmiths are of great importance to the groomers. They create the utensils and tools that their colleagues require to cut, trim, and maintain beards and hair. Most blacksmiths that work in this industry therefore have a small group of groomers as their clients.   Opposite of jewelcrafting, there is no one gatekeeping the blacksmiths in the grooming industry. It is even considered a good area for young blacksmiths to start, as they learn to use fine smithing techniques to create ornaments and tools. Many young smiths grow their way through the industry into another one, but a few stick around and make a name for themselves.  

Potion Brewer

  There are two families of potion brewers that have set their eyes on the grooming industries: Berylkettle and Purpleberry. They have been brewing many a potion for beards and hair of all shapes and sizes, from growing potions, to healing potions, to ointment and oils.   While they do not share their recipes with other dwarfs, they are open and willing to train young dwarfs in the way of the potions. Once a dwarf has mastered the craft to a decent level, these families can offer the dwarf a place among themselves making them part of the company. If the potion brewer wants to leave the family, they must swear that they will never sell potions for grooming to others.   For the people outside of the big cities where these potion brewers operate, there is often the village brewer. While they cannot produce the same quality potions for the beard, it still helps the dwarfs in these more remote communities to take care of their beards and hair. Sometimes, a member of the Purpleberry or Berylkettle family visits these villages and help the local brewer to up the quality of his potions. Of course, it would never be at the level of the family's recipe, but it helps keeping the community thriving.

Organisations in the Industry

Groomsly Silvershave
The Groom
A Twist of Fate
Hair to Dye For
Barthen's Grooming
Has your beard been doing its own thing again? Does it not want to shape up the way you want? Come and visit our little establishment! We're home to the premier beard treatments, and we can guarantee that your beard will behave once more!
— Advertisement in Beard Magazine for Groomsly Silvershave

Cover image: World by World Anvil


Author's Notes

Big thanks to Theiket and Soulwing for coming up with great names for some grooming organisations!

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