
The groomers are an especially important profession within Dwarfish society. However, everyone around the planet needs their hair cut at some point.



To become a groomer, one doesn't need any prior qualifications or certificates. One can easily learn how to cut people's hair at salons and learn from the people who already perform this profession. However, one society treats the way to become a hairdresser differently.  


Especially within Irrean society, grooming is taken very seriously. To become a true practitioner of the arts, one must first attend a special grooming school in Dunfaern to receive their certificate. After that, it is a matter of practice to master it.

Career Progression

For most people, becoming a hairdresser does not provide much perspective when it comes to career advancement. A groomer can become part of a grooming salon and work his way up within the ranks of the salon. Once they reach the senior role, they can either decide to start a grooming francise themselves, or become a teacher within the same salon.   However, for Dwarfs, it is an entirely different story, of course. A groomer there can work their way up to gather clientele in the upper class of society. Not every one decides to do so, and they are free to choose where on the ladder they want to offer their services.


Social Status

For most ethnicities, the social status of a groomer hangs somewhere between the upper working class to the lower middle class. For example, high elves see grooming as a mindless activity and therefore deem it as a working class social position. Most humans and gnomes see the groomers as a necessary part of society. Therefore, they don't have a particular opinion about them in general.   For dwarfs, it is another story, yet again. They tie the social status of the groomer to the clientele they serve and its size. For example, if a dwarf were to serve a handful of upper class dwarfs, they would be considered high in the middle class ranks. However, a dwarf offering his services to many working class dwarfs by having a grooming francise will be considered more towards the upper class of society.


With the rise of The Dwarven Twists the importance of grooming all over the world increased. Seeing what one can do with their hair, both in an elaborate and practical way, opened the eyes of many people. Even something as simple as braiding made a huge difference in the lives of people.   Dwarven blacksmiths soon created additional tools to maintain the hair and beard. They forged combs to detangle the mess that hair becomes after a while. These objects are very affordable for everyone. For the groomers, the blacksmits have forged scissors and trimming knifes to cut and maintain the hair of their clients.   Over the years, groomers have learned how to incorporate different elements into people's hair. Especially among dwarfs, they learned how to create an elaborate design with just the hair at first but they had to expand quickly to use all sorts of decorations. These dwarfish groomers are now highly sought after by some of the upper class people of other cultures.



The two most important tools for the groomer are a scissor and a razor. With just these two, a master can do just about anything with (facial) hair. They are the tools that every hairdresser starts with and are also the tools that they will invest in heavily.   Additional tools can be used provide extra assistance in creating an elaborate design or to integrate elements into the hair. However, these are not required, but most dwarfish groomers will use these extra tools heavily. Some won't even share the inner workings as it creates their signature design or style.


The workplace of groomers vary a lot. Some prefer to do their work at the homes of their clients. All they need there is a simple chair for their client to have a seat and they can do their work. When a groomer works at the home of their clients, they expect the client to clean up the hair after them.   Others have set up a shop where they can provide their services. Depending on the size, they can vary from small shops with just one chair for the haircut and two for clients that are waiting for their appointment. Larger establishments have one or two rows with chairs where multiple groomers are taking care of the customers.   Every shop has at least one broom and a mop to keep the place clean. In some of the bigger francises, one or two groomers dedicate themselves to keeping the place clean while their colleagues take care of the customers. In these establishments, they usually rotate the cleaning duty, so everyone learns the value of a clean workplace.
Other Associated professions
Related Locations
Associated Industries
Dwarfish Grooming Industry
Lyklor: Have you heard about Ailmer?
Vaeril: No, what about him?
Lyklor: He chosen to become... a hairdresser
Vaeril: A hairdresser?!
Lyklor: Shhhhhhhh. But yes.
Vaeril: Why? Doesn't he want to continue practising the mind?
Lyklor: No, he said that he liked working with his hands much better. Although, he also thinks that it does involve the mind, as he has to envision what the hair will look like before putting his scissors into it.
Vaeril: What nonsense!
Lyklor: I know, right?!
— A conversation between two high elves, distraught about their friends decision

Cover image: World by World Anvil


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