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Co-Sheireem Basin (Ko Shah-'reem Basin)

The Co-Sheireem Basin is often described as the "hottest place on Hesper" and that description is hardly an undeserved one. Shielded from cool air rushing around the Rookery Mountains, the region tends to stay warm and humid, being shielded from cooler air streams from the Sky side of the planet by the Rookery Mountains nestled up around the region. Four large rivers, fed from the dozens of tributaries and sources within the Rookery Mountains all wind their way through the region. These rivers, the Moč (muk), Idrar (eed-rar), Vizelet (vihs-let), and Droeth (drOth), all converge together in The Kèdlo (kAyd-lOw), a large lake in the center of the basin with an energetic whirlpool that drains lake water into an unmapped underground cave complex.  


The word "Kèdlo" (kayd-low) is used, interchangeably, to refer to both the lake that the four major rivers in the region feed into, and the whirlpool at the center of the same lake. The lake is roughly circular, and is around 15 miles in diameter, and exists within a large sinkhole. The border of the lake itself is a cliff that rises up 20-30 feet to the greater Co-Sheireem Basin area, with beautiful waterfalls marking the inlet of each of the four major rivers draining into the lake.   The whirlpool itself is around 300ft in diameter, and is located in the center of the lake. Ships sailing the lake tend to stay well clear of it, as the flow of water near the whirlpool quickly becomes strong enough to overwhelm most ship propellers. It drains lake water into an underground cave system that is almost entirely unexplored as none who have entered the cave, willingly or not, have ever been seen again. Water flows into the cave at a rate of drainage that is roughly equivalent to the incoming flow of water from the four rivers in the area, causing the lake's depth to remain relatively stable.


The Co-Sheireem basin is a thriving rain forest and is home to a huge variety of plants and animals. Many closely related cousins to other natives are found only within the basin, such as the Jungle Graap, similar to Graap found on the Sky Side, but with darker fur coats, and a tendency to stay in small family units of 3-5, and the Dubh Psyer, also with a black coat with dark brown rosettes.

A shocking surprise to most Asurans, is that the jungle is home to several species of Dinosaur. Everything from the gigantic Sauropods, to terrifying Carnosaurs, and trumpeting Parasaurs can be found living within the basin.


(Boo-drOw) The largest clan of the Human nomadic groups within the area, members of the Boudreaux Tribe are famously distrustful of outsiders, and for their herd of native Diplodicus, upon the backs of which they ride around the jungle. Despite their distrust of outsiders, they are comfortable enough at neutral trading posts found within the jungle to participate in a great deal of trade in rare furs from their game hunts. The current clan leader is Edwin Edwards Boudreaux, who has led the clan since the killing of his mother, the previous leader, eighteen years ago during a Thibodaux raid.  


(Tib-uh-dOw) A native tribe of Anatid Clan (Duck) Cha'Ari that claims to have lived in this area since before the Seeker Monk planted the current rainforest. They are known for thick accents, quick tempers, and for their domestication of native Kaprosuchus' that guard their homes from the ground. The family contains many skilled herbalists, and they are the first on the list to ask for anyone seeking a rare flower or herb that may be found in the jungle. The current tribal leader is Chief Rayn'Agin Thibodaux, who has held the position since being confirmed by the tribal council 12 years ago, following the position being vacated after an assassination of the previous chieftain's Kaprosuchus being fed a poison that sent it into a frenzy, killing it's rider.
A Clan Thibodaux Kaprosuchus

Boudreaux/Thibodaux Rivalry

For nearly a hundred years, the Boudreaux and Thibodaux clans have been engaged in a deep and bitter rivalry that occasionally breaks out into violence. Both clans claim that the other is the initiator of the violence, and that every act is in response to another, greater act of violence perpetrated by the opposing clan.  


Somewhere around 6,000 years ago, an unnamed Seeker from the Order of the Five-Fold Song spent several decades planting thousands of trees in the region. After planting, each tree was blessed in the name of the "Bell" Goddess within the religion, and to this day, many of the oldest and largest trees are said to still have a faint impression of a Bell carved into it's bark long ago. Before this quest, the area had been struggling to adapt to the permanent day of the new Hesper. Since this decades long effort, the area has sprung to life, with rapid proliferation of a diverse collection of plants and animals moving into the lush area.
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
Location under

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