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General Zaire Dethross (Zĕyr dĕth-rôss)

General Zaire Dethross is the ruthless and cunning commander of the Morningstar Brigade mercenary organization, overseeing operations all across Hesper. He is well known among friends and foes for his brilliant cunning on the battlefield, and for the the brutal efficiency of the troops he leads.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gen Dethross is as true a "Rags to Riches" story as there ever was. The names of his parents, siblings, and any other family on Erras Das are lost to history, never important enough to have been written down by anyone, and have likely been lost forever to time. First documented mention of Zaire Dethross on Erras Das records his position as the newly risen leader of the "Slag-Iron Wasters" an undercity gang that mostly dealt in extorting protection money out of machinists and merchants.   Shortly after this previously unknown gang leader took over leadership, the gang is documented as greatly expanding it's territory in a sudden and brutal rise in gang violence. The gang attained control over most of the undercity, drastically increasing their numbers, never moving too far or too fast to draw attention from The Assembly.

Morality & Philosophy

As a gang leader turned raider turned mercenary commander, Gen Dethross can hardly be described as being "moral" or "principled", but there are some lines that he himself does not cross, and does not permit his soldiers to cross. These lines sometimes get fuzzy, such as the line between torture and interrogation, but others are crystal clear and not to be crossed. He sees himself and his troops as professionals performing a job, and makes it abundantly clear that the Morningstar Brigade is not a legion of bloodthirsty monsters.


Family Ties

He has two children, a son, Toankek and a daughter, Rundi, the identity of their mother is a closely guarded secret within the Brigade. Both children are officers within the Brigade that have both earned their place through challenge like every other officer.   Captain Toankek leads the Black Euryals, Epsilon Company within the 2nd regular infantry Battalion.   Lieutenant Rundi commands the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit, Rundi's Roughnecks, within the Morningstar Marines.


Gen Dethross possesses a once-in-a-generation intellect and cunning, and knows that he does. He is very good at assessing the value or relevancy of dismiss individuals, resources, and information, and is quick to dismiss that he does not deem valuable, showing little patience for contrived displays and other political puffery. Accordingly, he has all the patience of an ambush predator in the jungle for that which he knows to be important.   One particular mannerism, noted by senior officers as a very good sign when giving a report, is his tendency to light up a smoking pipe when listening to reports that are of interest to him. He tends to smoke on his pipe when he is deep in thought.

Wealth & Financial state

The accounting books of the Morningstar Brigade are not disclosed to the public, and consequently the personal assets of Gen Dethross himself are even less known, but it is apparent that he has a tremendous amount of wealth at his disposal. It is commonly "knowledge" among those familiar with him and his business , that his personal wealth rivals that of the Kahale family of Cherut Das. Just how much wealth is actually stored within the coffers of his personal residence in Fort Isran is a secret only known to Gen Dethross and his family.
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Caribbean Blue skin
250 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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