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Cherut Das, The Floating City (Che-Rhut Dhas)

Cherut Das will sail effortlessly through the waters of Venus as it continues its never ending journey. In the days of the forgotten past, Cherut Das walked on land much like many other Venutian cities, but as Ra arrived on Venus, things began to change. Cherut Das was capable of repairing the legs of its city like any other city, but at a much slower pace that would result in their city stopping for days at a time, leaving them vulnerable. Realizing that their city would be doomed if they didn’t do anything, they took to the one place of refuge they could easily access, the seas of Venus.   The residents, in particular the Mehune, knew the process for how to do this would not be smooth or easy, so just as the residents of the city were prone to do, they threw caution to the wind and ran the city directly into the nearest gulf with barely any discussion. The city drifted for months, if not longer, with no sense of direction aside from some shoddily rigged sails. However, using a variety of submersibles, slowly but surely every last leg underneath the new island city was modified into a propeller or rudder and thus Cherut Das as it is known today was born.   Cherut Das was actually amongst the last of the walking cities to be built and as they were working with fewer materials as the cities previously made had consumed most of them, Cherut Das is a bit smaller than your typical Atlantean city, but is still a city nonetheless. The outer walls to the city have been reinforced, but also a secondary wall has been built to act as a levee in case of a flood event. Most of the walls are sectioned off so as to not weigh down the city in the event of a breach.   The citizens have adapted to live as is and the walls actually continue throughout the city, sectioning off entire sections and neighborhoods so as to not sink the city in an emergency. As a result of all of this, the architecture of Cherut Das is unlike anything else both on Venus and in any other Atlantean city. In addition to the city not fitting the typical cyclical outline, almost every building in the city is also reinforced to float in case of emergency. In the past during a flood, buildings have actually floated off of the city, but they are usually recovered. Usually.   As all of the non-frozen seas of Venus are connected through gulfs and other sizable bodies of water, Cherut Das is constantly on the move. While its movements are restricted by where it can travel, it very rarely runs into trouble. Unlike Erras Das, which travels all sorts of plains, Cherut Das is not easy to approach. While uncommon, Erras Das still encounters Ra’s forces while travelling, however these forces are not often found hundreds of miles away from land. As such, Cherut Das has gained a reputation as a safe haven for those that can find it.  
Inhabitants   Cherut Das, while it does have a steady population who have been there since the city took to the sea, is the busiest city in terms of travelers and traders on all of Venus. Some people will take months if not longer to look for the city in order to find a safe haven, if not longer. The traders who have made good business in Cherut Das will sometimes be given a wayfinder, with council approval, which allows them to find the city when they need to trade or purchase goods, an invaluable object to the few that can make their living in such a way on Venus.   The native residents of the city are mostly Mehune, with a fair mixture of other races thrown in, mostly human. Since moving out to sea, the city has also attracted cha'ari and kegani, given its remote and seaborne location. Given the transitory nature of both the city and its populations, it's not uncommon to find more rare races in the city as opposed to other cities on Venus, whether that be something native to the planet like the vrii or any number of native Earth or Mars species who had somehow ended up on Venus.   The sectioned off nature of their society has led to many residents being fiercely loyal to their own boroughs. The majority of the time this leads to nothing more than general hazing and the occasional scuffle, but on occasion the tensions boil over to violence on a mob scale. What may start with an argument or a mugging can eventually escalate to several people losing their lives. While it's not a common occurrence, the threat of it looms largely above everyone’s heads, so they are likely to try to find a peaceful solution.   There is little difference between most of the eight sections of the city, minus for the Council building and the Swill. With the council building at the center, the largest walls have created eight distinct areas that largely function on their own, each led by a distinct house, with one notable exception. The look and feel of the buildings is fairly consistent across each section of the city, but the decorations can drastically change the look and feel, with flowers and colors lining the streets.   In general, the population of Cherut Das has the closest standard of living when compared to a large city on Earth. Many make their living fishing, making products from textile, wood or metal, or even being a simple merchant. Art has its own place as well, though it tends to be less abstract than one might find on Earth. Technology is even advancing interesting ways that are intertwined with art. Just recently, Cherut Das premiered its newest art medium, motion pictures.
Large town
Character Knowledge  
  • Characters just now arriving on Venus - Cherut Das is one of the closest things to a big city on Earth on Venus from what you’ve seen, minus all the aliens and stuff.
  • Characters not from Venus, who have spent some time there - Cherut Das, as a visitor, is a good time. If you can make it there with a good haul, you can leave much richer than you arrived.
  • Characters from Venus - Cherut Das is a supposed safe haven from Ra, and for the most part it seems like they’re right. However, you’re not so sure the city is safe from itself.
  • Characters from Venus who live or have lived in Cherut Das - There's no place like it on Venus and you would never leave. Sure, the Vivali’s and the Glim’s are having a turf war, and sure, you might have to step over a couple of bodies on your way to work, but nowhere is perfect.

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