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The Magdecorn is a rare and little-understood creature native to Hesper, and found all across the planet. They stand at around 5 feet tall at the hips and are around 18 feet long, from tip to tip of tail and horn. They have two hooved feet at the base of their powerful legs and their tails are ridged with thick triangular dorsal plates. Their bodies are covered with a thick fur coat, usually a dark grey or brown in color, with a scaled underbelly. Their bodies are thick and well muscled, an average adult Magdecorn can grow to over 600 pounds.   Their most recognizable feature is a long horn emerging from the creatures skull. In typical adult Magdecorns, this horn is between 18 and 24 inches long, with juvenile individuals having much smaller horns. In individuals seen around The Pale, these horns are often carved with intricate patterns, runes, and swirling designs.   Magdecorns are typically very reclusive in the wild. They have very sharp senses, and are famously difficult to approach undetected. It is rumored that they have the ability to know the hearts of those that seek them, and will only allow those with pure intentions to approach. The common myth around Magdecorns is that if one allows you to approach it, and you place your hand on it's horn, it can cure you of diseases and improve your health to extend your lifespan by ten years. It is for this reason that many seek to hunt the Magdecorns, with hopes of selling their horns as curative elixers.

Social Behavior and Intelligence

Magdecorns are highly intelligent pack animals, with complex social structures within the group. A group of Magdecorns will communally cooperate in caring for their young, wounded, or sick members of the group. Magdecorns employ tactics involving teamwork when hunting, including flanking, distractions, and ambushes.   Magdecorn packs seem to possess some ability to communicate beyond their usual chirps, yelps, and trilling. Jo'Ak'Kesh Mak'Kall, a Cartographers Guild biologist, has once observed members of a Magdecorn group being able to escape or avoid a specially prepared trap that a different individual within the group encountered previously. Indicating that the earlier individual was able to communicate about the existence and characteristics of the trap to other members of the group.   Magdecorn groups will sometimes be seen working in cooperation with The Pale. Whether this is an arrangement of mutual cooperation, or of domestication, is unknown.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Magdecorns can be found all across Hesper, with fur patterns adapted for stealth in the local environment.

Average Intelligence

Due to their capacity for learning, apparent communication, and social behavior, it is generally accepted that Magdecorns are of near-human intelligence.
by Moji
Average Height
5ft at the Hip Joint
Average Weight
Average Length

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