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Scree'reh (skree-ray)

Scree'reh are quadrapedal leonine pack animals found in the southeastern Barrier Mountains and the Cha'ari Hunting Grounds. They are carnivorous creatures known for their speed and mobility, and were historically major predators of the Cha'ari who settled the lower reaches of the mountains, who succintly named them "danger beasts".   Scree'reh tend to form packs of ten or fewer members, consisting of one mating pair, their offspring, and occassionally mature scree'reh from other packs who outgrew their parents but did not form their own packs. When young scree'reh mature, they will inevitably either challenge their parents for control of the pack, or will leave to form or join new packs. Mature scree'reh will assist and care for younger scree'reh, but otherwise abandon or cannibalize their sick and injured.   While packs are typically larger, scree'reh hunt either alone or with a single partner. When hunting alone, a scree'reh will stalk its prey, sometimes over long distances, waiting for an opportune moment when it can use its incredible speed to quickly ambush and dispatch its prey. When in pairs, one will often flank or herd their prey while the other lies in wait.   Physically, they are most notable for their teeth and vertical mobility. Scree'reh have loose flaps of skin connecting their legs to their body, enabling them to glide short distances. This, combined with their powerful leg muscles and climbing ability, allows them to sneak up on prey from almost any angle, and makes them extremely dangerous to even Cha'ari who are still on the ground when they strike. Their teeth are extremely tough and sharp-edged up to a fine point, and are constantly being shed and replaced throughout their lives. They form two rows, and can easily bite straight through bone. A mature scree'reh is, on average, between 2-3 feet tall at the shoulder and weighs 80-100 lbs.   While a scree'reh's growth slows down once it reaches maturity, it never truly halts. Generally, their population is self-regulating due to their tendency to prefer infighting over splintering into new packs. However, very rarely a scree'reh may survive for decades, growing to be as large as 5 feet tall at the shoulder, with its largest teeth up to 2" long. These creatures are treated as almost mythical, and are given the name awk'scree'reh, or elder danger beast. Awk'scree'reh typically become solitary, being firmly an apex predator in their territories. The largest awk'scree'reh are often given names by the Cha'ari, and managing to kill one is still regarded as a heroic feat.   Due to their natural sharpness and durability, scree'reh teeth are fairly valuable, especially for their use in reh'ha'shi. This is especially true as very few attempts have ever been made to domesticate them, and those few all met tragic, if predictable, ends.

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