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The Guillotine

The Guillotine is the one and only ship under the command of Jivelle Vantega. Ostensibly an ironclad, the vessel is a hybridized mess of mechanics, employing many different forms of propulsion as the situation demands–and even these don’t remain static, as the ship has been seen to undergo great changes over the few years she’s been spotted.   When sailing above water, she has a silhouette and dimensions most similar to a 17th century corvette. The overall shape of the vessel is sleek aside from the forward sweep of the enormous, axelike prow–her only outwardly-visible weapon. Though not as heavily-armed or large as other notable ships in the Aurrus Sais, the Guillotine provides a unique challenge to any would-be attacker by dint of her sheer adaptability.   The Guillotine has been observed traveling above water, underwater, and–once, briefly–on land. When sailing, she occasionally employs the use of wind power, and has been shown to utilize a form of engine power as well. Presumably, this is also the source of forward movement when submerged.   The ship also has the ability to seal her deck off under a shell of airtight metallic plates and dive. The length of time she can remain submerged is presently unknown, though a vessel tracking the Guillotine once pursued her without stop, preventing the Guillotine from fully emerging for roughly 48 hours. At the end of this time period, though, Captain Vantega retaliated, ramming the pursuing vessel from underneath with the Guillotine’s prow-axe and causing catastrophic damage. It’s been surmised by this aggressive and possibly even desperate act that the Guillotine was approaching its limit.   At another time, the Guillotine was driven by pursuers towards a small chain of islands surrounded by reef, and it is claimed they witnessed the vessel unfolding a bevy of mechanical legs–significantly smaller than those used to propel cities, but of similar design–to cut directly over the reef and the island to escape.   Overall, the Guillotine excels at hit-and-run attacks on disadvantaged vessels, or carefully targeted strikes. The ability of the ship to use its prow-axe as a feasible weapon suggests that the Guillotine possessed exceptional structural integrity. Whether or not this integrity extends to an ability to shrug off weapon-fire remains to be seen, since her Captain excels at avoiding pitched combat.  

Notable Crew


First Mate Ikidu

  Ikidu is an Astral, a hawk man from the Hollow Earth. Six feet tall, lithely built, and the characteristic Astral gold from beak to talons, he is a striking and imposing figure. Like all hawkmen, he has two names, a sung-name and a written name. His sung-name being a harsh clack of his beak followed by a series of descending notes. Ikidu typically goes by his written name.   Ikidu is no stranger to raiding–indeed, it is a way of life for many hawkmen of the Hollow Earth. A skilled warrior with a mind nearly as sharp as his talons, he serves as Captain Vantega’s first mate and advisor; in a situation where the Captain is unable to lead, the crew looks to Ikidu. He has been on Hesper long enough to have a fairly good grasp of the politics of Cherut Das as well as a broad knowledge of the threat of Ra.   He possesses a wry, easygoing sense of humor that characterizes most of his interactions, even where potential targets are concerned. He can be very fierce if provoked, though, using his flight and combat experience to great effect when necessary.  

Specialist “Rover” Redcrest

  Tall, thin, with gleaming golden scales and a long, whiplike tail, Redcrest cuts just as striking a figure as Ikidu. The second notable Astral crewmember actually joined the crew alongside Ikidu, having been acquainted with him before either of them were recruited to the Guillotine. Redcrest’s upbringing was much less traditional than Ikidu’s, being a former resident of Blood Bay, though she did acquire her name through traditional lizardman means… though her new golden coloration makes it somewhat ironic.   After being dragged to Hesper, Redcrest very quickly made her way to Cherut Das, seeking the familiarity of her former life. She bonded with Ikidu over their shared situation, and it wasn’t hard for Captain Vantega to recruit her to the cause.   Like most lizardmen, Redcrest is cool-headed, able to keep her wits about her in a variety of situations. Though she can hold her own in a scrap, she is more experienced as a sailor and mechanic. Notably, Redcrest possesses an ability that is one of Captain Vantega’s newest secret weapons: orichalcum sense. How Captain Vantega learned of this is unclear, but it was a factor in Redcrest’s recruitment.   She is a very well-guarded member of the crew, and seems to have accepted her new nickname “Rover” as a suitable replacement for her old name.
Current location
37 ft
175 ft

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