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Aurrus Sais, the Golden Sea (Arr-us Sigh)

Venus is covered in water ways, both temperate and frozen, but the largest and most unique is the Aurrus Sais, otherwise known as The Golden Sea. The name is not in any way metaphorical, but is instead a reference to the golden color of the waters that fill this vast body of water. Due to the various and copious amounts of compounds and minerals deposited throughout the sea, it has turned a deep amber color. While as salty as one would expect from sea water on earth, the water does have a distinct sulfur odor similar to rotten eggs, but those who live around the water insist that you get used to it.   Despite its unusual composition, the Golden Sea has a thriving and diverse ecosystem. Schools of bioluminescent fish, boulder sized jellyfish, and carnivorous whales are peppered throughout the seascape. Most of these creatures are not found far outside the Golden Sea, their biology apparently depending on the sulfur content of their ecosystem. Some of the creatures found deeper in the waters have developed thick hides to help with the increased pressure, the Kegani have found success in turning these hides into armor as many travelers will want them for the protection they grant from both injury and the elements.   Islands and other landmarks can be found littered throughout the sea. Both on these islands and the coast, small isolated villages can be found that live in what passes for peace on a Ra ruled Venus. While not particularly exciting, these islands and villages offer something that is hard to find elsewhere: isolation. Some islands rarely see visitors, if anyone has ever set foot on them at all. As such, as likely as you are to find villagers on an island in the Golden Sea, you’re just as likely to find no one or, even worse, someone in hiding.   The sea itself is not isolated in the slightest. Due to its large size and general landscape of Venus, the Golden Sea is connected to dozens of other waterways, including rivers and other smaller seas. This means that the Golden Sea is the largest and most intricate travel network on all of Venus. This however does not mean it is the most commonly travelled location on Venus though. Between storms, hostile wildlife, pirates and more, it can be quite dangerous for anyone to travel in these waters. Only the daring, the bold, and the desperate would travel these waters if ill prepared.   The sea is largely separated into two parts, though they are not equal in size. The first is the light sea, being the side bathed in perpetual sunlight. The sun blaring down on these waters can lead to blinding reflections and illusions, leading to more than one sailors demise. The lack of stars can also make navigating more difficult, needing to rely solely on magnetism as opposed to star formations. On the other side of the Aurrus Sais lies the dark sea, covered in eternal shadow. Instead of harsh sunlight, those navigating this part of the Golden Sea have to contend with darkness as far as the eye can see. Harsh creatures can also be an issue to contend with, having a distinct disadvantage to combating creatures accustomed to the darkness. Regardless of where in the sea you sail, it will never be easy going.  
Inhabitants   The Aurrus Sais is home to many different people, some of whom call the sea the home while many others are only there temporarily. The various islands, the natives to the crab city of Nautyl’leh, traders, refugees, and even pirates. More so than anywhere else on the planet, you will find a population more diverse than anywhere else, even more so that Cherut Das. Likewise, population is more spread out than anywhere else, even The Rookery. Aurrus Sais is holds many people, even whether the Golden Sea is part of the journey or the destination.   Many of the native islanders live in close-knit communities and will live on their home island their entire lives. The circumstances of their lives can greatly vary of course. Some will ship wrecked or marooned on any number of the islands that dot the sea. Some of the more populated islands consist of small villages that may or may not be welcoming to the outside world. Some may trade with merchants for the natural resources of their island, while other trade ships may be pelted with arrows and other projectiles for even coming close to their home.   The traders that frequent the sea can be from anywhere. Some travel in perpetuity, only stopping to do business, rest their feet, and then they are off again. Others are simply travelers who are hoping to find somewhere to get food for what meager possessions they may have on them. It's also not uncommon for Cherut Das to make its way through the Aurrus Sais, bringing a wealth of goods with it that will be traded across its entire route onto its next destination.   Undoubtedly the largest population in the Golden Sea is the kegani. They are spread throughout the sea on coasts, islands, the city of Nautyl’leh, and even the seafloor. Native to the Aurrus Sais, the kegani make themselves home wherever they may find themselves in the sea. It's not uncommon for travelers to pay a kegani or a group of kegani to lead them through a dangerous section of waters. Depending on whom they hire, they may even make it to the other side with their lives and possessions intact.   Not all travelers that perish to the Aurrus Sais will meet their end due to the sea or wildlife. Some will find themselves at the end of a pirate’s sword. Running into a cutthroat on the open water is a very real danger and smaller ships will sometimes take more dangerous routes in terms of travel if they feel it is safe from any pirates. While there seems to be no unity amongst the Aurrus Sais pirates, there is talk of an island somewhere on the sea where they meet to plan attacks, spend coin, and store their ill-gotten booty.
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Character Knowledge  
  • Characters just now arriving on Venus - It's practically the same as any other ocean I’ve seen. Well, except for the color. And the smell.
  • Characters not from Venus, who have spent some time there - There's lots of places to find in the Aurrus Sais. Small island villages and trading ports. If you were looking to always be on the move, it's the place to be.
  • Characters from Venus - Sure, it's a big body of water, but it's just water. What stands out the most to you is the kegani and their city. While not everyone you’ve met from there has been strange, most of the time they make you feel on edge.
  • Characters from Venus who have lived on or in Aurrus Sais - The Golden Sea is freedom and made for brave souls. Just stay close to land unless you want to end up the dinner to some nautical abomination.

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