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The Swill King


Permission to Come Aboard
Upon being crowned, a new Swill King's first act is to grant "Permission" to come aboard to all in attendance in the same way that an officer grants permission for a visitor to come aboard a ship. After the king is crowned, they turn to face the crowd, who will will ask, in chorus, for permission to come aboard. The newly crowned Swill King will typically take this as an opportunity to strike a first impression, or otherwise set the mood with a witty, insightful, clever, or crass wording to grant the permission.   The Best of the Worst
When the Swill King, while wearing the official garments of the office, enters a drinking hall, tavern, or bar within The Swill, it is tradition for the first to notice their entry to stand up, raise their drink, and shout "All rise for the best of the worst!" to call attention to the Swill King's entrance. As the tradition goes, everyone in attendance then stops what they were doing to raise their glass, and pay attention to the Swill King. The owner or bartender will rush to get a drink into the hand of the Swill King. Once a drink is in hand, the Swill King will begin one of several Call-and-Response toasts to the patrons. Typically in the structure of "To our Spouses and our Lovers / May they never meet!". Once the toast is completed, the building returns to it's previous activity.   Marriage
As a recognized Captain, the Swill King is regularly asked to officiate marriages.   Swill Judgment
The regulars of the Odo District prefer not to have violence in their district, at least the unsanctioned kind. As most of districts are checked by the influence of the ruling families and their guards, no such things can be found in The Swill. Instead, the regulars themselves will do most of the policing. Any dispute more significant than a small bar fight will often be settled in a contest. The rules and goals of any particular contest can vary from situation to situation. Musical skill, combat, or even school-yard games will be used to settle the dispute. More often than not, the rules and judgment from the contest will be set and administered by the Swill King. If they are not available for some reason, the owner of the establishment where the conflict started will fill in this role. For disputes between establishments, The Swill King's attendance is mandatory.   Parades
Several parade troupes operate within Cherut Das throughout the Carnival season, each with their own theme and focus. A parade troupe typically focuses their parade around a series of floats that are dragged through the parade route. The floats are loaded up with extravagant decorations, costumed singers and dancers, and usually one empty chair. The empty space is for the Swill King, whom is invited to take the space and join the parade troupe if they are found to be worthy of the honor.  

The Current Swill King

Standing on the main thoroughfare most visitors to The Swill will find a small crowd watching a Thora musician playing their cennachord. This skilled musician is none other than Sylass Feht, the current Swill King. His current reign as Swill King has lasted a respectable three years, but his total tenure as the Best of the Worst extends beyond that. He has been crowned the Swill King no less than five separate times over the course of his life, a Swill record. While its likely that he will eventually be uncrowned some day, its just as likely that some time after that he will be crowned for a sixth time.                  
Form of Address
The Dishonourable
Length of Term
Until the next tournament
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