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Session 1: The Queen Summons Report

General Summary

When Queen Anne summoned the group of vampires from across London to The Shard very few expected her to speak about what she did. She informed those present that she was seeking the five artifacts of the Cult of Mithras. she wanted these to be able to bind them to her person and draw from Mithras' dead soul further powers. To allow London to break free from the Camarilla but also to be away from the Anarch and their own independent city.   This pledge to gain additional power and freedom was not universally loved by the room, several vampires hissed and booed while others loudly cheered. The promise of diablerie winning over some more. She told the room where 2 artifacts were kept and what they were. Noting the first place to visit would be the British Museum.   The group themselves were split, unsure of either helping or not. First visiting a run-down internet cafe, the Malkavian vampire Kaj sent word to his own cult to start finding out what they did. Soon after the Ghoul Isabella met previously asked to meet the group where she told them that Duke went straight to the British Museum. Since then, she felt an awful chill over her.   Cole, the vampire, used his presence and physicality to have her agree that by helping her, he would be able to feed from her blood.   The group soon went to the British Museum, encountering a larger Second Inquisition presence. After first charming a guard, threateningly, August  and the rest of the group went past and parked up opposite. Heading high ground, overlooking the Museum, here they met Viktor Moldovan.
Hidden in London
Report Date
25 Jan 2023
Primary Location
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