Kenta Kasai (ケンタ カサイKen-ta Ka-sai)

Kasai initially makes his mark by intimidating and harassing foreigners in Japan, leading to a confrontation with a tenacious Kamurocho detective. After the detective repels Kasai and his men, an embittered Kasai vows revenge, declaring the detective an enemy of the Keihin Gang. Undeterred, Kasai introduces two other gang leaders, Renji Honda and Kaito Sakakiba, in successive attempts to defeat the detective, but both efforts are thwarted by unforeseen circumstances.   As the defeats pile up, Matsuhisa Koga intervenes independently of Kasai, marking a turning point in the conflict. During the detective's pursuit of revenge, he uncovers the Keihin Gang's base in the sewers, prompting a showdown with Kasai. Despite Kasai's attempt to uncover the detective's disguise, a fierce battle ensues, resulting in the detective's victory with assistance from two agency colleagues. Following this defeat, Kasai and his gang shift their focus to a new territory, Okubo, and Yorichio, aiming to establish a base and conquer the region after their failure in Kamurocho. Kasai's thuggish and narrow-minded demeanor, solely fixated on physical aggression, adds a layer of uncompromising brutality to.  

Fighting Style 

Kasai, a seasoned former boxer past his prime yet undeniably formidable, exhibits a commanding fighting style marked by his adeptness in hand-to-hand combat. While he primarily engages in fisticuffs, Kasai strategically incorporates a Ninjato and dons Steel Knuckles during specific confrontations, demonstrating a versatile approach to combat. Accompanied by loyal Keihin goons in his encounters, he amplifies his prowess with the support of his gang. In the heat of battle, Kasai emanates a distinctive yellow aura in Heat Mode, showcasing the intensity of his martial skills. His signature styles, "Stamina" and "Power," underscore his resilient and forceful approach.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kasai cuts a distinctive figure with his imposing appearance, wearing a sleek black tracksuit adorned with silver stripes that exudes both style and menace. Completing his look, he sports silver-framed half-rim sunglasses that add a touch of mystery to his demeanor. His short, curly black hair contributes to his overall enigmatic presence. Notably, Kasai proudly displays the signature Keihin pin on his tracksuit, symbolizing his affiliation with the gang and emphasizing his role as a formidable and recognizable figure within the gang.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Keihin Sovereign "The Thugg King"
5feet 7inch (170cm)
143lbs (65kg)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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