Nichi Kusur (ニチ クスール Ni-chi ku-su-ru)

ichi Kusur was born in Utsunomiya, Japan, to a Japanese mother and a Turkish father. Growing up as a biracial child, Nichi experienced a fairly typical childhood but occasionally faced bullying due to his mixed heritage. Despite these challenges, he was raised in a loving, supportive environment by both parents. His upbringing was grounded in traditional values, though it wasn’t without its difficulties.   After finishing his education, Nichi, now 22, found himself under increasing stress and pressure. With societal expectations and the pressure to pursue higher education weighing heavily on him, Nichi chose to move out of his family home. Though he valued his independence, his financial struggles soon began to mount. Juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet, he worked briefly as a bartender, groundskeeper, and bookstore clerk. However, none of these positions lasted long, and Nichi soon found himself deeper in debt and uncertainty.   One constant in his life was his passion for kickboxing, a hobby he had held onto since his teenage years. As his financial situation worsened, Nichi was drawn into the world of underground fighting. Starting as a means to survive, the brutal environment of these illegal fights became a way for Nichi to channel his frustrations and escape the pressures of daily life. A string of victories earned him a reputation among the underground circuit, where he became known as a dangerous "freelancer." However, these wins came at a cost the physical toll of the fights left him battered and often barely able to make it home.     One fateful night, after a particularly grueling fight, Nichi collapsed on the street. He was discovered by a familiar face from his past, Tora König, an old high school friend. Recognizing Nichi, Tora helped him recover and patched him up. Their reunion sparked a conversation about Nichi’s current situation, his struggles with family, and his aimless drift through life. Tora, who had been observing his descent, grew increasingly curious about his underground activities and life in general.   After a deep discussion, Tora made a bold suggestion. Knowing Nichi’s potential, she asked if he was interested in pursuing something more than the dangerous world of back-alley fighting. She proposed an introduction to the chairman of the Hidora Clan, a organization that could provide Nichi with a path out of his current life albeit one steeped in the shadows of the underworld.   With his life hanging in the balance, Nichi accepted Tora’s offer, contemplating whether this would be the opportunity he had been searching for or a leap into even greater chaos.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is a slightly built young man with an above-average height, dark brown hair, and striking amber eyes. His skin has a tanned or browned complexion, and his usual attire consists of a dark blue open-lapel suit paired with black shoes and a shimmering dark green shirt. Socially awkward, especially when it comes to talking to women, Nichi often relies on smoking as a coping mechanism. He's a picky eater with a love for instant food, technology, and gaming. Nichi also has a deep fascination with the ocean and aquatic life, and enjoys escaping into music in his free time.
Player : akhi
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hidora Clan Rookie
Date of Birth
7th April
Year of Birth
1999 22 Years old
Utsunomiya, Japan
5 ft 8inch (178 cm)
148 lbs (67 kg)


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