Dokuken Consortium (ドクケン レンDo-ku-ken-ren)

The Dokuken Consortium is a subsidiary of the Hidora Clan, operating in the Okubo district. Founded by Ishida Orochi with support from the Clan's chairman, the Consortium plays a critical role in the Clan’s research and development efforts. Its main function is to support the "Clan Front" by providing expertise in security, allowing the Hidora Clan to operate effectively as a private security firm.  

Four Pillars

  The Dokuken Consortium specializes in several core areas crucial to the Hidora Clan’s operations   Surveillance: The Dokuken family employs advanced technology and personnel to monitor activities, gather intelligence, and ensure the security of the Clan's assets and members. This includes surveillance of rivals, clients, and strategic locations to maintain control and preempt potential threats.   Counter and Regular Intelligence: This section focuses on collecting, analyzing, and utilizing intelligence to inform strategic decisions and protect the Clan from external and internal threats. Regular intelligence operations involve gathering information about rivals and potential risks, while counterintelligence efforts are dedicated to detecting and neutralizing espionage or infiltration attempts.   Resources and Mission Management: Managing resources efficiently is crucial for the Dokuken family, including overseeing financial assets, logistics, and partial medical care for members. This section ensures that all resources are allocated effectively to support ongoing operations and missions, maintaining operational readiness and addressing any immediate needs.   Contacts and Network Expansion: Building and maintaining a broad network of allies, partners, and informants is essential for staying informed about potential threats and opportunities. This network helps the Dokuken family adapt to changes in the political or criminal landscape and leverage connections for strategic advantage.  

Relationship with the Hidora Clan

As the first subsidiary of the Hidora Clan, the Dokuken Consortium shares its headquarters with the main clan, located in a central office building. Despite his leadership of the Consortium, Ishida Orochi prefers not to have his own office, instead serving directly under Chairman Hidora. While Orochi is not the Wakagashira (captain) of the Clan, he holds significant influence and commands the respect of someone in such a position due to his contributions to the Clan's success.  


The Consortium operates several specialized facilities all housed in the Hidora Clans HQ:   A Research and Development Lab, where experiments are conducted on new technologies and innovations to enhance the Clan's operations.   A Medical Lab, which is used to treat injured Clan members and experiment with medical advancements, ensuring the health and safety of their personnel. Involvement in Clan Activities   Although the Dokuken Consortium has not directly clashed with other factions as a subsidiary, it remains deeply involved in all activities of the Hidora Clan. The Consortium serves as a backbone to the Clan’s operations, providing vital support in intelligence and security that keeps the Clan at the forefront of its business and underworld dealings.
Founding Date
June 2019
Alternative Names
Dokuken Ren
Parent Organization


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