Torama Adachi (トラマ アダチ To-ra-ma A-da-chi)

With an absent father and drug-addicted mother, Torama Adachi was set up for a hard life in the slums near Kamurocho. His mother was rarely violent, but often emotionally manipulative and abusive, jeering and whining over her son about anything from lack of food in the fridge to the state of the house, to the dealers down the road. She'd say anything to get her next fix, and the dealers had a "long-term arrangement" with her, one that was already going south for the Adachi family.   Torama's school life wasn't kind either; Of course it wasn't. Due to his family's especially small stature, even for people of Japanese blood, bullies saw him as an easy target. They were wrong. Torama fought back with an incredible ferocity and wrath, releasing all of his pent-up rage from his family life on those who dared mess with him. Bullies seemed to finding his raging funny and even cute- until the fight actually began. There was a time when a bunch of bullies ganged up on him, and while he had pounced on one and was beating them to a pulp, another grabbed a chair and swung it down on his head. The chair broke over Torama's head and although it broke skin and made him bleed, he didn't even feel it until after the fight was over and the bully was given the same wound.   This resulted in him scaring a lot of his classmates, and he was often avoided entirely by people who didn't want to pick a fight- Which was ironic, because he was often cordial enough around people who treated him with the same respect. When the authorities decided Torama was to blame for defending himself, his path as an authority-hating delinquent was set.   He would eventually flunk out of school and leave, seeing little point, and wandering the streets, ignoring his mother's "requests" and looking for a fight to pick, making money off the wallets in fools' pockets. He always let them throw the first punch, however, or at least jive and taunt him enough to know there was no room for misunderstanding before making them regret it. It was only a matter of time before even the small-time punk would cross paths with the Yakuza.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Torama may be small, but that only hides his fierce temper and love for a fight. Torama typically wears a grey suit with an orange tie in professional settings, though he often looks a bit uncomfortable in it. His light brown hair and bright brown eyes, which shift to amber when he’s angry, stand out against his otherwise plain attire, which has no flair or accessories.   When transformed, Adachi resembles a spotted tortoiseshell tabby with light brown fur, patches of orange and Blond, with black spots. His ears are small and often pinned back when provoked, while his eyes become burning orange slits of fury. His tattoo features a hissing cat with its fur bristling, biting into a chunk of flesh so large it can't fit on his entire back, with blood dripping from its fangs as it tears the flesh apart.
Player : Elysium
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hidora Clan Rookie
Date of Birth
11th December
Year of Birth
1997 24 Years old
Tokyo, Japan
5 ft 4inch (165 cm)
150 lbs (68 kg)
Aligned Organization


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