Yoshimura Family (ヨシムラ グミ yo-shi-mu-ra gu-mi)

The Yoshimura Family is a subsidiary of the Hidora Clan, operating primarily in the Okubo district. Established by Yoshimura Noburo as a counterpart to the more technical Dokuken Consortium, the Yoshimura Family serves as the Clan's "boots on the ground." The Yoshimura Family focuses on more grounded, everyday operations handling tasks that are less involved with high-stakes affairs compared to the Dokuken's activities.  

Four Pillars

  Recruitment: The Yoshimura Family actively seeks new members from the streets, focusing on individuals who can be molded into loyal soldiers. Their recruitment efforts are grounded in the local community, identifying those who are tough, resourceful, and ready to prove their loyalty to the Clan.   Public Relations: While not as concerned with political maneuvering as other branches of the Clan, the Yoshimura Family ensures its standing in the district. They maintain relationships with local businesses and residents, presenting themselves as protectors and enforcers of order within their territory.   Collection Runs: The Yoshimura Family handles the vital task of collecting dues, whether it's protection money from businesses or settling debts owed to the Clan. Collection runs are a daily part of their operations, ensuring the financial stability of both the family and the Clan.   Drug Busts: To maintain order and control within their territory, the Yoshimura Family conducts drug busts to disrupt rival operations. These actions ensure that no unauthorized drug activities occur without the Family's knowledge or approval, while also showing their strength and dominance over the streets.    

Relationship with the Hidora Clan

  The Yoshimura Family is the second subsidiary of the Hidora Clan, established just one year after the Clan officially began operations. The family's relationship with both the Clan and the Dokuken Consortium is neutral to fairly positive, with no internal conflicts or rivalries. The Yoshimura Family sees itself as the foot soldiers of the Clan, dutifully fulfilling their role with humility and respect for all other branches and members.   This mutual respect, both within the family and towards other subsidiaries, sets the Yoshimura Family apart as the most humble group in the Clan. They express this humility by wearing a silver pin, symbolizing their self-perception as smaller but essential contributors to the Clan's success. Contrary to the modest image they project, their dedication and grounded nature have earned them the deepest respect from the Clan's chairman, who values their unwavering loyalty and contributions.
Founding Date
February 2021
Alternative Names
Yoshimura Gumi
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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