
Basic Information


Posessing four strong, lion-like limbs, a lion-like head, and the sturdy scales, tail and wings of a brass dragon.

Biological Traits

They appeared to be lions covered in brass-colored scales with massive wings like those of a dragon.
A dragonne possessed huge claws and fangs, as well as large eyes, usually the color of its scales.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragonne pair off and breed every 3 to 4 years.
Female dragonne carry the growing egg(s) for 5 months, then lay their clutch in a dry, sandy den.
Each of these couplings will usually produce 2 or 3 eggs.
Eggs lie in this nest for an additional 2 months, warmed by either the father or mother as the opposite parent hunts and defends the nest.
about 50% of these eggs will hatch and survive to their first full year of age.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragonne grow rapidly. They typically leave the nest within 2 years of birth, and reach breeding maturity by 10 years.
Adult dragonne are solitary, and only spend time together when producing or rearing offspring.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragonne prefer arid regions, either desert or grassy badlands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous by nature, dragonne are both ambush and active hunters.
Dragonne will store their kills either at the tops of tall local trees, or amid stone spires to keep other large predators from stealing their kills.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dragonnes are solitary, highly territorial and would attack any creatures invading their homes.
They are not generally evil or malicious, allowing any intruders the opportunity to flee before they attacked.
Those who do not leave a dragonne's lair would find themselves quickly set upon by a savage opponent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Keen hearing, sight and sense of smell.
Darkvision out to 60 ft.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Dracus Leo Minor
40 to 60 years
Average Height
4 ft. at shoulder
Average Weight
700 lbs.
Average Length
12 ft.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Golden blonde or sandy blonde fur, and brass colored scales.


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