2021-04-03: Welcome to the Expedition

General Summary

The researchers Sharn Zharzulo and Kasai, along with the expedition guard Tsun, joined the expedition to the The Hidden World of Kmuzat through the Universitate and their Ĉielogy ritual room.   Once the first wave (approx. 50 people, including the expedition leadership and a few extra guards) were transported to Kmuzat, the heroes of our story had one minute to get in place to transport themselves. When they arrived, they were approx. 8 miles off course to the west of what turned out to be the effluvium ruins of an ancient city. They smelled the foul stench upon the air, found each other, and doing their very best attempted to go to the central loadstone that their homing compass guided them towards.   On this peregrination, the party found a starwater aquaduct, a river, and some disease-carrying insects. Sharn was unfortunate enough to contract riverfire fever and he began suffering the next day. The party also witnessed their beast companions (Sofhe the owl, Ukhimpe the hound, and Arvin the stoat) awaken the next day. Inspired by the wonder of what might be the starwater aquaduct and its falloff (or some other unknown magical effect), the party continued swimmingly. That is, until they met the first locals.   The party was confronted by three jaggi and one jaggia (male and female jaggi, respectively). Tsun suffered the most, falling unconscious during battle before Sofhe raised him up and he was able to grapple and take down the jaggia. The rest of the party took care of the rest of the monsters and, together, they took the body of the jaggi to the loadstone.   The loadstone was contained in a ruined city with webs of organic moss-meat-like material. Tsun and his companion Ukhimpe saw eyes glinting in the shadows that would dart away. The party discovered the remains of the first wave of expedition leaders -- about fourty corpses, maybe more, maybe less. While trying to understand what they were witnessing and inspecting them, Tsun detected the effluvia-infected girros preparing an assault. He warned the party and the party proceeded to attempt an escape.   To aid their escape, the sorĉadologist Sruac used numerous spell scrolls to impede the incoming girros. He then guided the party to the new main camp, about four to six miles south of the ruined city, and welcomed them to the expedition. The medica Unnfe helped heal the riverfire fever in Sharn, then the expedition leaders gathered the party to debrief and guide them.

Rewards Granted


Missions/Quests Completed

Found the expedition leaders and the camp.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
03 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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