The Hidden World of Kmuzat

The Hidden World of Kmuzat is a demiplane in the deep ethereal. Legends and lore say it was created by the Great Magus Khumaziin.


Kmuzat's landmass, at sea level, takes up about 1.388 × 1011 fl2 (8.013 × 106 m2; 4,979 mi2) and has a perimeter of about 7.252 × 106 fl (2.21 × 106 m; 1,373.5 mi) (although the perimeter of a landmass is difficult to measure). The lakes have a collective area of about 2.938 × 109 fl2 (1.29 × 1010 m2; 105.4 mi2) and a collective perimeter of about 1.082 × 106 fl (3.30 × 105 m; 204.9 mi).


Kmuzat has a fairly stable climate. Largely, peak daily temperatures vary from 9-12℃ (48-54℉) near the south-eastern coast, about 6-9℃ (43-48℉) on the northern and western sides of the island, and the mountain ridge in the middle reaches 1-6℃ (34-43℉). The highest peaks and the assorted taigas can drop to as low as -7-0℃ (20-32℉). Nights tend to be about 3-8℃ (5-15℉) colder than days.   There is heavy precipitation on the eastern coast, northern plains, and southern plains. The central and eastern plains tend to have little, if any, precipitation. Rain seems to come every few days and lasts anywhere from one to five days. Winds blow fairly continuously, to varying intensities, from the east, independent of the time of day. There are no detected tides.

Ecosystem Cycles

It is unclear how seasons are experienced in Kmuzat. The best estimations are that the seasons are temperate and gentle, but the rhythm and degree is not in recorded history.


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