2021-06-05: Into the Heart of the Aqueduct

General Summary

The party, reeling from the existential consequences of the conversation with Mercy and Vengeance, found the aqueduct complex returning to its normal function with the appearance of two starwater sprites. Aware of the increased danger, the party ventured into the large nearby room. There, they found a massive central pillar, three sprites, and nothing much else. The party was cautious, but was still ambushed by a young lagiacrus. The battle was tough, a hide and seek gremlin scampered around, but the party emerged victorious.   The party was running a bit low on resources, but cautiously continued their discovery. They found the complex full of geometric marvels and strange architecure, gardens of countless flowers and wondrous trees. Eventually, under the cloak of pass without trace, the party avoided potential encounters with mysterious clouds of mist in the gardens and reached the center of the complex.   The complex's heart featured an altar, a skeleton, and a crystal bowl on the altar surrounded by a moat and a small forest. The skeleton was of a human woman who likely died of some electric attack, had a ruined book with a minor enchanted book cover, and (likely) old Iritan jewelry.   The party, while investigating, saw a namielle approach them, stare them down, dismiss them, and leave. Surely, this is the caliber of monster that Kmuzat made worthy of sacrifice! Sharn determined that a small orb (about four to six inches in diameter) would fit in the crystal bowl on the altar and little else.   The party swiftly but still stealthily leaves the complex, returns to the main camp with little issue, and reveals their discoveries. They are rewarded for the knowledge (190 gp each) and they achieve level 6 after two weeks of training and downtime.

Rewards Granted

  • 190gp for the aqueduct complex discovery.
  • 160gp for the combat challenge against the young lagiacrus.
  • Three starwater sprite cores to help cleanse water.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Discovered the Titan's Grave feature.
  • Discovered the Aqueduct Complex feature.
Report Date
05 Jun 2021


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