
Irita is a strong and diplomatic human nation. It has numerous treaties with almost every other civilization and is considered one of the two great human civilizations in living memory. Many humans immigrated to Irita in the last century.   Irita has a diverse climate with frigid northern forests, scenic middle hills, and fertile southern fields. Mountains, forests, lakes, and gorgeous vistas are frequently found across the nation. The government involves an elected minister than rules for a ten-year term. Recently, Irita has disbanded its formal standing military as part of a peace treaty with Sorionith. To work around this, Irita has heavily subsidized and created a national adventurer’s guild. Iritan-certified adventurers are widely accepted as skilled folks across Hillit. The government also offers strong scholarship programs to help foster education for promising citizens.   Irita is economically stable and mostly self-sufficient for basic goods. They import most of their luxuries from other nations, though, and are allied with the Eno trade cartels. Due to Irita’s rich artifice crystal mines, they have been able to provide humanitarian aid to struggling civilizations. This helped foster a network of diplomatic treaties, including guaranteed rights of citizens of civilizations and members of sentient races. The wealth of Irita has been recently taxed with the influx of immigrants.   Irita is a mystically powerful nation and has some of the most esteemed scribing and artifice academies in Hillit. The Iritan scribes maintain a basic teleportation network across Hillit which was developed when humankind was attacked when over open water. This has helped make Irita a vital component for trade.   Irita’s cultural values of adventure, personal growth, self-discovery, and learning has spread through its diplomatic channels. Irita values the concept of childhood very highly, training them and teaching them as investments in the future. Many children are raised by their communities, not just individual households. Irita, for being mystically powerful, is a superstitious nation. Humanity has been the target of curses and hexes before, which is still raw in their ancestral memory. Iritans tend to wear delicate yellow and orange clothing with delicate gemstone accents.

Demography and Population

Irita is a predominantly human nation. Due to it being the center of the Universitate, Irita has a growing immigrant population. The southwest region of Irita has wetlands populated by peaceful and spiritual lizardfolk tribes. There are approximately 8,790,000 citizens in Irita.


Irita is on the continent of Irisi. It has had stable borders for centuries, although recently discovered historical records suggest it used to have land in Forcun-Laianith, Zorike, and some land masses that appear to have fallen under the sea. Modern-day Irita can track its lineage to a state of Ancient Halla, a human empire that spanned Whohe Dvuha before magic was sealed away.   Humanity has a strong warmongering history, including a particularly fowl time of imperialism. Irita has worked for centuries to be an example to the world of a peaceful human nation. Because of this, Irita has refused to colonize anywhere out of fear and shame.   Irita is approximately 2.72 × 1012 fl2 (253,000 km2).


Irita has no official standing military -- all foreign military orders were dissolved under the current treaties. However, Irita has a few loopholes, mainly the knightly orders and the adventuring guild.   The different duchies can have knightly orders. They do not hold any actual legal authority anymore, nor are they part of a nobility (that was dissolved generations ago). Instead, these orders have grown into social groups and societies focused on martial disciplines, traditions, and histories. The knightly orders often train in military tactics and are ready to deploy when a prominent threat arises, but are not a centralized military.   The adventuring guild is the central organization that certifies licensed adventurers. These adventurers are hired on a contractual basis by the Iritan government, a duchy, city, citizen, or organization to complete a task. Often, they are praised for their organized and efficient system. Other times, they are compared to paramilitary mercenaries.

Technological Level

Irita is the most magically advanced civilization in the United Halla Alliance. The scribing traditions in the arcanist profession has been largely developed by Iritan arcanists. The majority of modern artifice, especially with quintessence crystals, is developed and driven by Iritan techniques. Irita provides the highest quality crystal artifice on the international scene.   Mechanical technology is moderately strong, but has taken a back seat to the drive of using artifice as a primary source of energy and action.


Irita has a strong Celestial pantheon presence. Political events, festivals, and home life are colored by celestial traditions. There are numerous cults to specific demiurges, pantheons (like the Cyclical pantheon), and courts. Irita is largely tolerant of different faiths except for the Elder cult and the Twilight cult.

Foreign Relations

Irita has numerous trade, peace, and diplomatic treaties with other civilizations. This network of treaties became the foundation of the United Halla Alliance. Irita's most colorful diplomatic past is with the other Whohe Dvuha human civilization Sorionith.   Sorionith is often considered opposite of Irita in terms of political alignment. Where Irita strives to establish peace and unity, Sorionith desires isolation and power. In order to keep Sorionith from assaulting allied nations, Irita officially disbanded its military in the year 205 as a deal. Many historians consider this incredible passivity as a guilty conscience related to how humanity harmed Whohe Dvuha in the past with the trapping of magic, the drowned hauntings, and the warmongering. Irita has received many criticisms with its handling of Sorionith.

Agriculture & Industry

Irita is a great producer of consumer products, crafted items, and crystal artifice. Irita is well known for infrastructure artifice, such as the bountiful spring totems that can supply a town with fresh water, or the chalice of fertility icons that help bring bountiful harvests to farmlands. These wonders of artifice require maintenance, which Iritan-trained arcanists can do. Their cost and upkeep keep Irita relevant and in a spot of power for many smaller communities.   Iritan agriculture is also fairly strong and stable. They produce some of the best fruits for oil, such as grape and olive, as well as fine wines.

Trade & Transport

Irita has patrolled and well-maintained highways connected the duchies together. Caravans of traders, pedlers, and other nomadic people frequent these roads. Shrines to Vaelana serve as caravanserai and hostels to the weary traveler along the roads. Since the Iritan Ethereal Translocation Network originates in Irita, the roads in between major cities have been used less in recent years in favor of faster near-instantaneous travel. Patrols have lessened too, so banditry has been a growing concern for travelers. Adventuring groups are often hired to act as guards.   Speaking of transportation, Irita pioneered and maintains the intracontinental teleportation network knownas the Iritan Ethereal Translocation Network. Traders frequently will move delicate and small product through the network, but larger product is too cumbersome to reasonably teleport and require more mundane, physical transportation.   Irita also is pioneering the cloud galleon technology, which allows the creation of flying ship-like vehicles. There are hiccups with how long a cloud galleon can fly before touching down to recharge and the technology is still in its infancy.


Irita invested heavily in the education system for its citizens. Children, as soon as they are able to talk and walk, can participate in communal schooling. Basic skills, like communication and artistic expression, are taught early. Schooling in this phase is fairly free-formed and the individual students are monitored for progress. Once they reach a certain proficiency, which usually takes about four to six years, they are introduced to a more structured learning environment.   The first structured learning environment for children involves tiered learning. Most human students enter this phase at about seven years old and stay in the tiered learning until they complete adolescence and become an adult at about 18 years old. In this tiered learning, students are taught history, literature, mathematics, basic arcanum, and other topics to produce a wide curriculum. Much of this education is maintained by the Stoa.   Once a citizen completes the tiered learning, they are encouraged to pursue a career path. Some join a knightly order to train in combat, others join a divine order to understand their spiritual nature. The most common route is to pursue a trade. Some, though, continue into the Universitate.   Irita founded the first campuses and colleges of the Universitate. It is a popular choice for many citizens to pursue advanced academia and the Iritan culture encourages continued education.


Irita has a robust infrastructure. Each of its major cities feature beautiful architecture and a fantastic sewage and public health system. Old sewer systems form labyrinthian networks of tunnels and tubes underneath major cities with ancient chambers. Some archaeologists believe that there used to be more than just sewage in these systems, but the histories have been eroded with time. Massive limestone sieves have acted as filter systems for centuries in the sewage systems and the sanitation workers rarely have to maintain them. Some believe that something in the sewers are consuming much of the waste.   Fresh water is available in virtually every home and business. Originally, aqueduct systems were used to connect buildings to springs. Now, the ancient aqueducts have pipe systems installed on the arched bridges to contain a high pressure water system filled by bountiful spring totems.   A few new settlements were built on locations with a nearby natural gas reserves utilize a newer infrastructure model of piped natural gas into wealthy homes. It is still fresh on the scene and some consider it a novelty.   Irita has paved highways. They are receiving less attention than they used to with the popularity of Irita's arguably most valuable contribution to the world: the Iritan Ethereal Translocation Network. This has earned Irita a significant amount of income and diplomatic power. New treaties with Irita includes the network as a leverage clause -- many nations rely on it to transport people and if they violate Irita's terms, they will lose access to it. Irita supplies this fantastic service as a spot of power.   Irita has ancient keeps and stone castles in many of its oldest cities. These are remnants of an era of warring gone in Irita. The long-lasting peace in Irita has discouraged defensible city planning and settlement structure.
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Republic of Irita
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Irita follows the Standard Currency model.
Major Exports
Irita exports crafted products, oils, and artifice across the United Halla Alliance.
Major Imports
Irita imports luxury goods, food, and raw materials from across the United Halla Alliance.
Legislative Body
Irita has over a dozen duchies, each of which has a single elected minister representative in the Semptra parliament. The parliament is ruled by the elected Prime Minister, who leads the parliamentary debates and helps keep lower ministers in check.
Judicial Body
Iritan duchies have local peacekeepers and guardsmen to maintain order. For matters between duchies, Iritan authorities will utilize Arbiter's Outpost resources but strive to resolve the matter themselves. For international matters, including matters that involve a citizen of another civilization, Irita will trust in the Arbiter's Outpost.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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