2021-06-12: Lakewood Adventures

General Summary

The party shared a few key elements of intel gathered from the aqueduct complex.
  • There is a demiurge on the plane, or is the plane itself.
  • There is a possible route of escape: collect the attention of the demiurge and make a plea.
  • This information was "recovered" through discoveries like "a wall carving".
  • Mercy and Vengeance, a celestial and a fiend, were discovered.
  • The aqueduct complex is the haunt of a big scary monster probably. It is a dangerous place!
In light of the danger in the complex, the party instead decided to continue their explorations. They traveled east to the lake they discovered the quintessence crystal and sacred tree. They made very good time and set up camp outside the lake.   Overnight, Sofhe the Owl woke the group up when a massive, prehistoric looking monster was sniffing around their protective tiny hut. The party figured this monster (an anjanath) would recognize their scent, so they made plans.   The next day, they created a lure to attract the anjanath to a controlled location where they would ambush and attack. The anjanath side-struck the backline fighters with a well-placed blast of fire, knocking out Sofhe in one hit. The battle turned spicier when Arvin dropped as well before the party slayed it. Because a challenge encounter was intended but forgotten about, they earned 70gp each.   After harvesting the anjanath, the party packed up their camp and traveled to the lake. They found an ominous cloud (1-3mi diameter) to the 'south', so they found it worthy of investigation. While on their way to the cloud, they were ambushed by a flying draconic beast (a rathian). The fight started a bit rough and cautious -- burns still felt from the anjanath. However, the party solidly earned victory with an enlarged Tsun wrestled the rathnian, furiously punched them, and the party pelted them with magic and bolts.   After harvesting from the rathian and enjoying the challenge encounter of wild magic (so many buffs!), the party continued their peregrination to the mysterious cloud.

Rewards Granted

  • 70gp per player for the Anjanath fight.
  • 150gp per player for the Rathian fight.
Report Date
12 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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