2021-06-19: Namielle's Reception

General Summary

The party, after their encounter with the rathian, proceeded south towards the Roaring Falls. They found rare mosses, ferns, and water-worn mural stones at the lake's shore. After resting, they proceeded towards the waterfalls.   The party noticed a cave structure near the waterfalls and approached it. There, they were ambushed by a gobul. After a challenge encounter with restrictive healing, Tsun dealt the final blow to the gobul. The party earned 110 gp from the encounter.   When they entered the wet cave, they found an opening with sky access and a small waterfall in a pool. To their surprise, and the surprise of the monster, the party turned a corner and found an astalos. The party avoided a challenge encounter and, with a timely spell from Sofhe, the astalos was restrained by vines. This left it perfectly set up to be taken down and the astalos was taken down by a well-timed magic missile.   The party entered the third room in the cave and found a carved cylinder with moss-covered murals and a familiar multi-armed statue. In the middle of the room was a raised platform of grass and a few trees, surrounded by a ring of sparkling water. In the center of the platform was a reclining namielle, who greeted them in ancient draconic and called them "ashad" [ašad (nm..) /ˈæʃæd/ , foreigner ]. The party learned that there were multiple other great beasts on the island, including one of life, death, fire, and ice. The grammar was difficult to parse, due to the age of the dialect, but the meaning was gleaned by Sharn.   The namielle eventually flew away, letting the party work on exploring the room and finding an inscription written in a language no one present understood thirty feet above the floor, encircling the area. The party cleared away the mossy growth, did their best to record the inscription, then went 'home'.   The party returned to the main camp, reported their findings, and proceeded to train further to prepare for the eventual encounter with a great beast.   The party commissioned the following for the course of the next level:
  • Sharn: Electoscale rapier
  • Tsun: Azarus cub shell studded leather armor for Ukhi
  • Kasai: Young lagiacrus horn studded leather armor
In addition, Tsun's young lagiacrus scale gauntlets (weapon) was completed.   Arvin also commissioned and received a miniature shortbow for ranged attacks, Ukhi a heavy crossbow that she can manipulate with her mouth and aim with her body, and Sofhi some neat leather armor.

Rewards Granted

  • 110 gp for challenge encounter
  • Level 7.
Report Date
16 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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