2021-07-03: Pearl Protectors at the Mangrove Forest

General Summary

The party went westwards after they sent a research team to inspect the Roaring Falls. While traveling, the party was ambushed by a hungry odogaron. Kasai claimed the killing blow with a well-aimed firebolt and the party earned 230 gp each from the challenge encounter of a miasma.   The next day, the party arrived at the Mangrove Coast and explored for interesting sights. An arcane-rich beach was infested with hermitaur crabs, which was perfect for a lunch. A writhing hermitaur alerted the daimyo hermitaur who immediately tried to defend their brood. The party fought long and hard, with the smaller crabs assaulting the party while Tsun contained the daimyo hermitaur. Ukhi got the killing blow, earning 90 gp and 200 sp each.

Rewards Granted

  • 230 gp each for the odogaron challenge encounter
  • 90 gp and 200 sp each for the daimyo hermitaur challenge encounter
Report Date
03 Jul 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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