2021-07-31: Ambushed by a Narcacuga

General Summary

The party continued their journey to the ruined tower. When they entered the fungal forest, they were ambushed by a hungry narcacuga. The battle was fierce and Tsun fell unconscious once, gaining a point of exhaustion. The party also knew of a hidden object in the area, but they were unable to discover it during the fight.   Tsun ended the conflict with a critical hit on the narcacuga. Eventually, the party saw a trail marker through the woods for the "Ebon Path" -- an old (dare we say ancient) and overgrown route that can be more readily made into a serviceable trail again.   Finally, the party reached the ruined tower (approx 3 stories tall) and they spied a seltas queen inside of it. Ready to charge in and clear it of danger, the party moved ahead.

Rewards Granted

  • The party failed the narcacuga challenge encounter.
Report Date
31 Jul 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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