2021-08-07: Seltas Tower

General Summary

The party approached the ruined tower in the 'north' that was infested with seltas and their queen. They began combat to try and rid the tower of threats, triggering a hide-and-seek combat challenge.   The fight was long and difficult. Valiantly, Ukhi and Sofhe grappled the hidden gremlin nok and the party captured the seltas queen and physically carried her back towards the main camp for the retrieval team.   The party discovered a decent treasure horde in the tower, including the Enchiridon of Kissandro (a small golden coffer unlocked by mage hand that, when read, enhancing smithing for 48 hours; sold for 100 gp), the Dubne Incunabulum (a vellum manuscript bound in stained glass that, after reading for a while, grants immunity to being Poisoned for 1 week), and the Gili Slates (a folio of parchement in a leather case that contained numerous spells, such as blight, conjure minor elementals, evard's black tentacles, fabricate, locate creature, stone shape, and stoneskin, locked until the first light of dawn shines on it).   The errant merchant, back at the main camp, sold a pair of golden lions to Tsun. In addition, the party earned 120 gp each for clearing the tower, 90 gp each for identifying new trails, and they paid High Bestologist Zāhr to tame the seltas queen to act as a mount for the entire party.   The party achieved level 9!

Rewards Granted

  • 170 gp each for the challenge encounter
  • 120 gp each for the tower quest
  • 90 gp each for the trails discovery
  • 700 cp, 5000 sp, 1900 gp, 110 pp, 2 x Amber (100 gp), Amethyst (100 gp), 2 x Chrysoberyl (100 gp), 4 x Coral (100 gp), 3 x Garnet (100 gp), Jade (100 gp), Jet (100 gp) in the tower
  • Three magical texts

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Clear the ancient tower.
Report Date
07 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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