2021-10-30: Returning with the Life Sacrifice

General Summary

The party, fresh from their victory over the Leshen, explored the local area to try and find a Kmuzat statue to provide a coin offering and transport out. They alerted their Seltas Queen to return to the local outpost, then explored the forest. After a day of searching, they found a statue overlooking a gulch just north of the wild clearing. With a quick ritualized cast, the party then trasnported themselves to the northern aqueduct complex.   There, they found their animalistic companions separated from them and a familiar research team on the outer terraces of the complex. Their companions reunited with them and they learned that the complex became agitated in the last day or two. In order to reach the center, the party would have to travel through the complex with angry or stressed noks.
Report Date
30 Oct 2021
Primary Location


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