Axis Mountain

Axis Mountain is the highest peak in Hillit and a central figure in many Kekh Stiy Dhuva cultures.


The Axis Mountain is the highest summit in Hillit. At a staggering 32.8 kl above sea level (about 10,000 meters or 32,800 feet), it is perilous to all but the most prepared travelers. It is considered a death sentence to travel to the summit and no native to Hillit has successfully climbed to the top without a liberal amount of magic.   A few explorers have tried to teleport to the top, but their brains almost instantly shut down on arrival and swelled with fluid. Irita has declared it a hazardous region to travel to.
Summit Metric Value
Elevation 32.8 kofl (about 10,000 m)
Air density 11.6 bi/kofl³ (about 0.4 kg/m³, or about 36% sea level)
Air pressure 32.1 kobi/fl² (about 24 kN/m², or about 0.24 atm)
Speed of sound 1,091 bi/so (about 300 m/s, or about 984.3 ft/s, or about 88% sea level)
Temperature -113 °C, -172 °F

Fauna & Flora

On the foothills of the Axis Mountain, which is at an elevation of about 21 kl, there are few flora or fauna. Wild deciduous trees stand alone in a sparse shrubland and bare earth before the permanent snowline. Wild goats, cruel bears, and crag cats have been spotted around this point.   Once in the permafrost of the snowcap, life becomes increasingly sparse. No know animals or plants thrive on the peak of the Axis Mountain.
Alternative Name(s)
The Axis; Aksa Monto
Mountain / Hill
Location under


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