
Chrontite is a particularly rare metal that appears green-blue. Most armor made of it has the ability to twist luck in the favor of its wielder.


Material Characteristics

Chronotite is a teal metal and is very reflective.

Physical & Chemical Properties

A metal suit of armor made with chronotite can curse bad luck upon its wearer's enemies. When a wearer is attacked, the wearer can use its reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack. The wearer can use this ability after the dice are rolled but before the DM determines whether the attack hit. They can use the armor like this a number of times equal to the wearer's proficiency modifier. The wearer regains any expended uses when they finish a long rest.   A metal weapon made of chronotite can ripple with time and strike a surprising number of times. Once per long rest, the wielder can make an additional weapon attack with the chronotite weapon when they take the Attack action.

Origin & Source

It is unknown where chronotite regularly appears. All cases of chronotite ore has come from seemingly random locations across the planes.
Teal and very reflective.


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