Living Metal

Living metal is refined ore that is collected from planes aspected with elemental energy or the few locations in the material Hillit attuned with the planes. The dwarves are the best smiths of it in the prime material plane Hillit and it is a well-loved product for crafting dwarven artifice.

History & Usage

Cultural Significance and Usage

Living metals are highly admired and respected by the dwarves of Dakurakol. The smiths able to refine and shape living metals are prized in the culture as important voices, experts, and sometimes even heroes.


The method of refining living metal ore is a secret held by the dwarven people of Dakurakol. It is a very significant process with ritual and history ingrained in every step.

Manufacturing & Products

Living metal is typically used to produce artifice. Due to its rarity, very few artificers have the opportunity to use it.   The symbols and sigils used to codify the enchantment are carefully carved into the metal using special chisels made of living metal.

Reusability & Recycling

Living metals can be reforged by expert craftsmen from Dakurakol, which allows them to be re-enchanted by dwarven artificers.


Law & Regulation

Dakurakol is the primary distributor and regulator of the living metal industry. In order to be a dwasg noibʊrbo (also known as a lifesmith), an apprentice can undergo over a decade of study and work under an expert.

Living Metal Types

Very rare; most living metal is found in the chaotic inner planes.


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