Errant Merchant

The errant merchant is a supernatural being found in the The Hidden World of Kmuzat. He wanders the lands and, when he finds someone with wealth, offers to trade for an item from his flesh sack. It is unclear where the items come from, who made them, or the nature of their true reality. However, they serve well enough when used in Kmuzat.   The random items can be generated through Donjon's list or through this Google Sheets file.   As a reminder, prices can be randomly generated. Consumables cost half as much as generated (e.g. potions, scrolls, ammunition). If a player character would like to haggle, they can attempt a Charisma (Persuasion) check. Their result will reduce the value by a fixed percentage to a minimum of the rarity's value range. If they perform poorly, the errant merchant will react poorly in turn and raise the price by a fixed percentage, to a maximum of the rarity's value range.    

Number of Magical Items Generated by Character

Base Proficiency Modifier Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare Legendary
+2 2 - - - -
+3 2 1 - - -
+4 3 2 1 - -
+5 3 2 2 1 -
+6 4 3 2 2 1

Price Ranges for Magical Items

Rarity Value Randomly Generated Value
Common 50-100 gp Generate
Uncommon 101-500 gp Generate
Rare 501-5,000 gp Generate
Very Rare 5,001-50,000 gp Generate
Legendary 50,001+ gp Generate

Haggling Checks

Charisma (Persuasion) Result Price Adjustment
<0 +20%
0-5 +10%
6-10 +5%
11-15 +0%
16-20 -5%
21-25 -10%
26-30 -20%
31-35 -30%
36+ -50%


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