
ücstübübbe (/yçstʏ'bʏbə/ , the people in Modern Halfling)   Halflings are short people who have no ancient civilization to call their own. While some eclectic scholars say that there was a halfling empire before the great wars, most halflings don’t care. Halflings don’t carry much grudge between generations and instead focus on the local histories and identities of their community. They are renowned for their farming prowess and most come from the scattered kingdoms of Yaiel.

Basic Information


Halflings are a bipedal sentient species that resembles small humans. The back of their skulls elongate slightly further proportionally than a human skull would.

Genetics and Reproduction

Haflings are a continuous breeder sentient who have a gestation period of about 5 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

A healthy halfling ages at a rate of about 1.5 times a healthy human. A typical halfling could reach the following milestones:
  • Adolescence at year 19
  • Adulthood at year 27
  • Death from old age at year 115

Ecology and Habitats

Halflings favor temperate to warmer climates with lush vegetation. Their smaller size makes them more susceptible to hypothermia, so having areas of regular temperature and gentle environments to create safe villages allows halflings to flourish.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Halflings favor a wide range of food, especially fresh produce and simply seasoned meats. Their diet relies heavily on consistent grain-based foods, like breads and rice, as a reliable source of carbohydrates. Halflings eat frequent small meals throughout the day to keep up with the caloric needs and retention abilities of their biology.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Halflings favor a feudal system of singular authorities over agrarian communities.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most halflings in the United Halla Alliance live in Yaiel.
halfling distribution.PNG
115 years
Average Height
Males are typically 3.0. Females are typically 2.7.
Average Weight
Halflings vary in weight, with a decent range of 2.1 to 4.6 kobi (33 - 72 lbs).
Average Physique
Halflings tend to resemble slender humans with proportionally longer and more nimble fingers.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Halfling skin tends to be a mid-brown to a pale, depending on which kingdom its family is from.
Geographic Distribution


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