
Hih’irokane is a particularly rare metal that reflects iridescent light. Most armor made of it has the ability to potentially reflect spell effects.


Material Characteristics

Hihi’irokane is a brilliantly reflective metal that has a sheen of many colors and rainbows.

Physical & Chemical Properties

A metal suit of armor made of hihi’irokane has a chance to reflect some magical effects back to its source. When a creature forces the wearer to make a saving through against a spell or magical effect and the wearer's saving throw result exceeds the DC by 5 or more, the wearer can use their reaction to force the creature to make the same saving throw or suffer from the spell or magical effect. This magical reflection can be done once per long rest.   A metal weapon made of hihi’irokane bursts with radiant light on a solid strike. When the wielder scores a critical hit against an enemy, the enemy and all creatures (other than the wielder) within five feet of the enemy takes an additional 3 radiant damage. The effect's damage increases when the wielder reaches 5th level (6), 11th level (9), and 17th level (12).

Origin & Source

Hihi’irokane is usually found on positive-aspected planes.
Silver-gold with holographic sheens.


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