
Hobgoblins are a tall, noble, and cruel goblin race. Often considered the brightest and most ‘civilized’ of the goblinoids, hobgoblins have small cities scattered around with caravans for trade linking them to the larger civilizations. For the last 50 or so years, hobgoblins have been at peace with the common races, but they tend to have no qualm with slavery or with subjugating other goblinkind.   About fifty years ago, a few hobgoblin clans have been accepted into Eno as full citizens and members of the society.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

A healthy hobgoblin ages at the same rate as a healthy human. A typical hobgoblin could reach the following milestones:
  • Adolescence at year 13
  • Adulthood at year 18
  • Death from old age at year 75

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

hobgoblin distribution.PNG
Average Height
Males are typically 5.95 fl. Females are typically 5.45 fl.


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