
Eno is the great trade center of Hillit and the most socially progressive civilization. Eno has the most diverse population compared to any other civilization and is almost all populated on a small archipelago, but it also has growing states on mainland Oini, full of fertile farmland.   Religiously, Eno loosely follows the Celestial pantheon as a majority faith, but it is fairly accepting of different religions and cults. It can be easy to find support of almost any faith in its cities.   Eno is a representative democracy run by five parliamentary electives and large elected courts. It has one of the most complex bureaucracies in Hillit, but anyone can try to be an elected official. Many minor and rare races have found sanctuary in its borders, ranging from minotaurs to changelings. Half-elves, half-orcs, and humans are the most common racial groups with a significantly growing population of hobgoblins.   Eno’s economy is highly dependent in and out of its borders. The academies and scholar cloisters patronized by Eno have also helped strengthen their magical economy with a burgeoning artifice market. Some districts in major cities feature magical wonders that can elevate the upper class above the working folk.   Culturally, Eno is rarely superstitious or deep in tradition. Eno is all about tomorrow and progress, knowledge and accumulation. They consider spirituality and adherence to old-school ideals backwards. Loyalty to companies, contracts, coalitions, academic circles, and political parties tends to trump most else. A consequence of this is the growth of organized crime. Enoians tend to wear light clothing of vibrant hues and loose jewelry.


In 247, Mt. Pea erupted, decimating the main island. The primal spirit that lived in the mountain died with it, but a new spirit was born from the ashes. This new spirit, who adopted the previous spirit's name of Pea, was crucial in stabilizing the region. In the eruption, a yonu crystal was destroyed. This caused a shattering of the local caelus materia field and introduced regions of wild magic and dead magic. Abjurers and neviditajologists were sent by the Universitate to tend to the magical fields. The effort was difficult and, with the aid of a small group of druids, Pea was able to help restore quintessential normalcy to the island.   In the chaos that the eruption produced, the Enoian parliament officially welcomed hobgoblins and their goblinoid subcitizens as citizens of the Republic of Eno. The hobgoblins offered a crucial purpose in Eno: stabilization. Hobgoblins rapidly filled the state-funded military and established themselves as the strong arm of the island nation.

Demography and Population

Eno's current government was founded by half-elves and half-orcs as a haven for marginalized sentients. This has given it an unparalleled racial diversity.   Eno has two primary regions: the northern islands and the southern states. Northern Eno has about 347,000 sentients and south Eno has about 1,380,000 sentients.   Northern Eno has the following distribution:   Southern Eno has the following distribution:


Eno resides in Oini. The majority of the Enoian population is on the subregion known as the Eno islands. The southern colonies, on mainland Oini, are much less populated.   The Enoian islands were, before the dissipation of the Boiling Sea, a lush and humid jungle. With the cooler winds blowing in from the south and west, the native flora have begun to take on a more deciduous nature. The few local druids helped the ecosystem adjust smoothly to the new winds, which was further supported by the spirit Pea.   The southern Eno colonies thrived after the dissipation of the Boiling Sea. The rough grasslands became fertile and the burgeoning agriculture sector grew significantly. Now, the southern colonies are considered southern states of Eno and produce the majority of food for the nation.   Eno's nothern islands are approximately 1.09 × 1011 fl2 (10,000 km2). Eno's southern states are approximately 1.89 × 1012 fl2 (175,000 km2).


The Eno military has a strong naval tradition. In the last few decades, a strong army mostly composed of hobgoblins and other goblinoids protect the Enoian lands and assist in military maneuvers for the United Halla Alliance.

Technological Level

Before 247, Eno was one of the two most powerful magical nations in the United Halla Alliance. However, with the eruption of Mt. Pea, the generation of dead and wild magic zones, and the destruction of much of Eno's artifice, Enoians realized how vulnerable their lifestyle was when their dependence on magic was threatened.   Current Enoian life still has a significant amount of magical reliance, from food preservation warehouses to magical sources of clean water. However, the natural philosophies are rising in popularity as a reliable backup to the infrastructure.


Eno officially worships the Celestial pantheon, but the faith hasn't integrated itself very firmly in Enoian culture. Since much of the Enoian population is immigrant and marginalized, there is a low level of distrust with the major organized faiths. The half-elves, half-orcs, and humans are the most significant members of the pantheon's faith in Eno.   The demiurge Marken was born in the southern Eno states (at the time, colonies). Because of this, the half-elven population is particularly fond of him and his cult. In addition, the town he was born in (Riverside) holds his most significant temple.

Foreign Relations

Eno has strong diplomatic and trade ties with the rest of the United Halla Alliance.

Agriculture & Industry

Eno's southern states produces over 70% of the food requirements Eno has and is thriving in the new Oini climate. Eno's major crops include corn, wheat, barley, rice, cotton, soy, and various fruits. It has a decent animal husbandry industry as well. Eno's northern islands produce primarily fish and hunted game.   Eno's industry excels at turning raw materials into crafted products. Half-orc smiths, half-elven scribes, and a melting pot of many sub cultures produces a very broad spectrum of essential and luxury products. This industry fuels the Eno economy.

Trade & Transport

Eno trades heavily with other nations. It does not have the same natural resources as other civilizations, but its craftsmen still mark it as an essential component of the United Halla Alliance economy. Most of Eno's trade utilizes the Iritan Ethereal Translocation Network for luxury goods or, for larger and cheaper product, its fleet of trade ships. The southern states of Eno have a well-paved network of roads. In addition, the United Hallan Banking Reserve has its headquarters in Emorsa. This establishes Eno as the best nation to take loans from and broker new trade deals with.


Eno used to have an independent magical academy that provided higher-level magical training, specializing in war magic applications. After the eruption of Mt. Pea, it was absorbed into the Universitate.   Eno uses public Stoa pavilions heavily to educate its citizenry. Public education typically ends halfway through adolescence to adulthood. At this point, the citizens would pick a career path and pursue it. Most apprentice for two to five years in a chosen field, such as a craftsman or laborer. Others might join the military or the Universitate to pursue further academic studies.


Eno has a significant infrastructure of ships, ferries, paved roads, and rich cities. Cities and towns feature endless springs of fresh water, sophisticated sewage systems, and many available resources from many corners of the world. The northern island states of Eno have a frequently used ferry system that connects the islands together. While much of the islands' surfaces are still uninhabited, highways of paved and patrolled roads run along the coastline and allow safe travel.   The larger Enoian cities, like Emorsa, have artifice ingrained in the city planning. Multiple fountains produce free, plentiful, fresh water for everyone. Defensive obelisks are established on city boundaries, which have sympathetic enchantments with other cities. When a threat is detected or the defenses are triggered, warding and protective magic is invoked and the cities are largely shielded. This saved Emorsa during the eruption of Pea and many of the nearby villages from the prom the pyroclasmic flow.
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Republic of Eno
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Eno follows the Standard Currency model.
Major Exports
Eno exports wonderful finalized crafted products, ranging from books to metal tools to luxury fabrics. In addition, Eno is at the center of the latest art and music crazes.
Major Imports
Eno imports raw construction materials (wood, ore, ingots, furs, leathers, etc.) to provide its craftsmen.
Legislative Body
Eno has a parliament of senators run by five representative officials. This parliament decides laws, diplomatic direction, and national matters.
Judicial Body
Eno has an internal justice system of three tiers of courts, as well as a significant Arbiter's Outpost presence.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations


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