
sofhāirg šup (/sofhɒːˈiːrg ʃuːp/ , reptilian person in Modern Draconic)   Lizardfolk are a tribal race of reptilian beings who live primarily in swampy and marshy climates. Lizardfolk have some of the most unique psychology among the sentient races and are often considered emotionless and coldly calculating by others. Lizardfolk rarely see themselves that way, but it really doesn’t matter to them. Most lizardfolk can be found in the southern marshes of Isoka.   Few lizardfolk leave their tribal structures. In general, lizardfolk tribes hold reverence towards the natural cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Manifestations of this cycle, such as bones and blood, are treated with respect and admiration separate from the identities of who they once belonged to. Many lizardfolk have spent their entire lives crafting basic equipment and trinkets out of the remains of their kills.   Thousands of years ago, there were three great lizardfolk societies. The details of these societies were lost to the ravages of time, but they can generally be described as the current Isokan, Iritan, and Halla lizardfolk. The Isokan lizardfolk were said to be masters of the “earthen bones”, which they could shape and control as massive stone structures. The Iritan lizardfolk were masters of “earthen flesh”, which showed in their ability to manipulate and grow trees and plants. The Halla lizardfolk were masters of “earthen blood”, which was how their water mastery let them survive the sinking of the Halla continent. The three lizardfolk civilizations were decimated by neighboring nations or sunken under water, leaving the lizardfolk of modern day largely ignorant of their lost culture.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

A healthy lizardfolk ages at a about the same rate as a healthy human. A typical lizardfolk could reach the following milestones:
  • Adolescence at year 13
  • Adulthood at year 18
  • Death from old age at year 75

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

lizardfolk distribution.PNG
Average Height
They are typically 5.9 fl tall.


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