
Mithril, also known as mithral, is silvery-blue, light, flexible, and thin. Most armor can be worn under clothing, does not require a strength score to wield, and does not impede stealth.


Material Characteristics

Mithril resembles an azure or periwinkle tinted steel. It is very light, flexible, and strong.

Physical & Chemical Properties

A metal suit of armor made of mithril is lighter than normal (about 60% of the weight), does not have a Strength requirement, and will not impose disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.   A metal weapon made of mithril is lighter than normal (about 60% of the weight). It cannot be used to craft a heavy weapon due to how light it is. If it was used to craft a non-light weapon, the weapon counts as light weapon. If it was used to craft a light weapon, it counts as a finess weapon. If it was used to craft a two-handed weapon, it now counts as a versatile weapon.

Origin & Source

Mithril is found in water-aspected planes.


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