
The Empire of Sorionith is one of the two mighty human civilizations and is the most discriminating culture in Hillit. Its borders are closed to all non-humans and it has very few political connections to anyone, save for Irita. Sorionithians are fiercely non-religious and non-spiritual.   The emperor of Sorionith, Emperor Yethran, loves his nation and rules it with an iron fist. He insists that Sorionith be completely economically independent and enacts laws against non-humans.   The discrimination started during the return of magic when non-human populations grew and the humans were pushed out of their previous lands. Those who tried to adapt immigrated to Irita and those who tried to reestablish themselves as a world power moved to Sorionith.   Sorionith genuinely believes that humanity is superior and they have agents around the world that are trying to help the small human communities that remain in non human civilizations.   A growing movement focuses on humanity's glory without having it cost the reputation of other races.   Sorionithians tend to wear gray, black, red, and gold clothing. It is usually tight, practical, and thin.
Geopolitical, Empire
Neighboring Nations


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