
Llolani, also known as the Misted Isles and the Twilight Constellation, is a large chain of islands covered with thick forests. It is a puppet state from the Faelands, making it the home of eccentric fae, eladrin, and rare subraces of elves.   Llolani has some of the most enchanting forests in all of Hillit, in no small part due to its incredibly magical ties to the Faelands. The pristine nature of the woods is sustained by powerful fae enchantments and maintained by the eladrin.   Llolani is run by the Fae Court indirectly and managed by a complex, intrigue-filled eladrin royal court. The royalty aren't actually in Hillit, but instead in the Faelands and communicate their wishes remotely. Dukes manage the actual Hillit islands and forests for Llolani.   Llolani has some of the most unique culture in Hillit. Social status, grace, and every single action holds great importance. There are many fine rules and regulations that rule the Llolani's daily life. The Llolani people love magic in every way and consider it the purest art form. They usually wear gorgeous lavender, blue, and green robes made of exquisite and rare robes.

Demography and Population

Llolani is a fae nation, run by the royal court in the Faelands. Within the material duchies, elves are the most prominent members. There are approximately 4,170,000 citizens in Llolani.


The Llolani territory in Oini is largely contained on verdant islands lush with beautiful plant growth. These Llolani settlements have the prefix Mir', which marks them as island communities. This is not an ancestral home, but more like a newly formed nation or colony from the Faelands. Fae magic saturates these islands, irrevocably changing the nature of the fauna and flora.   On the Oini mainland, Llolani is much more tourist and outsider friendly. These settlements, prefixed with Kuh' to mark them as land communities, are less enchanting.   Llolani is difficutl to survey, but attempts have suggested that it is approximately 1.9 × 1012 fl2 (180,000 km2).


Llolani has the úru cruad (translates to green guard), who guard the borders of their territory. These ambush-expert fae have repelled forces many times their own size with the use of illusion and enchantment magic, augmented by impeccable archery and trap skills. It is considered an honor to be a member of the úru cruad.

Technological Level

Llolani's fae magi are incredibly powerful magically and Llolani's study of illusion, enchantment, and fae magic is second to none. However, it has virtually no artifice tradition, nor does it respect other magical traditions.   Llolani does not have a solid understanding of mechanical principles. The Faelands do not use or need them, so the perception of natural philosophy is a dismissive one.


Llolani is a civlization devoted to the Fae court. As the Fae court is symbolized with the cycle of the seasons, so too is the seasonal metaphor richly ingrained in the practices of Llolani.   For example, the intrigue-rich courts are rife with etiquette derived from the nature of the seasons. The attitude and action of any one member can be categorized as seasonal in some way. Spring is friendly, gentle, and youthful. Summer is bold, assertive, and confident. Autumn is wise, patient, and respectful. Winter is clever, rational, and subtle. It is appropriate to respond to a seasonal interaction with another season in the cycle. A positive interaction, which encourages further discourse, uses the next season in the cycle. Innocence is met with confidence, assertion is met with wisdom, patience is met with rationality, and subtlety is met with gentleness. A negative interaction, which discourages discourse and tries to end the interaction, responds with the previous season in the cycle. An aggressive interaction, which is meant to dominate and control the interaction, reacts with the opposite season. Ignoring or misapplying the seasons is a sure sign of an amateur or foreigner.   Llolani doesn't pay much respect to any other pantheon.

Foreign Relations

Llolani has few direct treaties with other civilizations. While it is considered a part of the United Halla Alliance, many other civilizations fear that it is merely a colony for a much larger, much more powerful civilization from the Faelands. They play nicely now, but the mercurial and largely unknowable motivations of the royal court bring fear.   Llolani has tensions with the Seafoam Clusters. Llolani looks upon the diaspora elves with grief and try to return them to the ancient fae ways. Llolani also has tensions with the Goldenwood, whom they look down upon as rebel fae. Llolani has magical tensions with Irita, whom they consider practitioners of petty mortal arcana that pale in comparison with the illustrious fae traditions.

Agriculture & Industry

Llolani has magical farms, hunts, and fisheries that supply the far majority of any and all food needs in the territory. Every aspect of the agricultural industry is colored with magic and guided with fae mysticism.   In stark contrast, there is little industry in Llolani. Many of the settlements have nature twisted and grown around their needs. Homes are trees woven together, roads are dried river beds, tall grasses provide shade, and so on. The druids in Llolani sing the primal spirits into submission with glamours and enchantments and the more primal fae assist. There are some metalsmiths, but their crafts are usually silversmithing, goldsmithing, and brownsmithing. Iron is a rare sight in Llolani.

Trade & Transport

Llolani has gentle caravans that travel from community to community, either through elegant cart or sleek ship. They carry goods, trade product, food, and people. Most trade with outside civilizations happen in border land communities. It is rare for a foreigner to venture deeply into Llolani's forests.


Llolani has few Stoa, but it does harbor an arcanum-focused campus of the Universitate. Its citizens are educated in the privacy of family homes by family members, or by private tutors hired in the aristocracy. Due to the longevity of many of its citizens, Llolani education takes decades to complete.   Many members learn basic swordplay, theater, epics, and art. It is considered a point of pride to excel in at least one art form.


Llolani's infrastructure is dramatically different than other civilizations. Most communities use magic to whisk away waste, bring forth food and water, and tend to the wellbeing of its citizens. However, this magic does not come from artifice. Fae magi enact long-lasting spells to bolster the quality of life in Llolani. This leaves the citizenry the time to pursue a craft, art, or profession freely.   The greatest lasting element of Llolani infrastructure is the rumored stable portal to the Faelands in Mir'Fhoha, the capital of Llolanil in Hillit. While very few outsiders could ever claim to have seen it, enough rumors exist to suggest it is the font of power for Llolani.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Misted Isles; Twilight Constellation; Material Llolani Duchies
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Palace economy
Llolani follows the Standard Currency model.
Major Exports
Llolani exports jewelry, craft, and fae art.
Major Imports
Llolani imports luxury foods (wines, oils, etc.), rare furs, and luxury items (silks, instruments, etc.).
Legislative Body
Llolani has all of its laws determined by the royal court and interpreted by the dukes.
Judicial Body
Llolani's judicial system is run by the aristocracy and nobility. They determine severity of punishment. Outsiders can plead to the Arbiter's Outpost to intervene on their behalf.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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