Yonu Crystal

Yonu crystal is mostly found in the roots of jhovai trees (outside of genasi caverns). It is an incredibly rare crystal and is does not have a significant geographic distribution. Yonu crystal grows fastest around massive manifestations of magic.   It is a brilliant, almost perfectly transparent, crystal with the ability to refract light into broad and vibrant rainbows. There are rarely any visible veins, faults, or distortions beyond the refractions in yonu crystals.   Yonu crystals have a high affinity for every form of artifice, which makes it adored by artificers and arcanists. Some artificers even believe that an enchantment will grow in strength over time with the greatest historical examples having obtained sentience.   The market value for 1 bekah of poor crystal is about 1,800 gold pieces.

History & Usage


Yonu crystals have a very deep connection to the caelus materia field that is not well understood. Damaging the crystal can result in regions of 'dead magic' or 'wild magic' and it is unclear what types of damage would result in what types of region. Because of this, yonu crystal artifice is only performed by expert artificers.
Brilliantly clear and refracted rainbows.


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