Standard Currency

The United Halla Alliance has a central banking organization that handles the standardization of coin and gem value for all business deals it is a part of. The banking also has a reserve of standard coin and gem currencies, which it can exchange at most offices. All coins are about 10 bekah in mass (7.1 grams).  
  • 1 copper piece (cp) is a pentagon of copper with a small round hole in the middle. This is the most common currency and is used for many day-to-day transactions. A smaller half-copper and quarter-copper piece is available for lesser transactions and small purchases, but most merchants avoid these coins due to their excess weight.
  • 1 silver piece (sp) is a hexagon with a small triangular hole in the middle. This is the second most common currency and is valued at exactly 10 copper pieces.
  • 1 electrum piece (ep) is a square with a small diamond hole in the middle. This is a fairly rare currency and is valued at exactly 5 silver pieces.
  • 1 gold piece (gp) is a heptagon with a small round hole in the middle. This is the most common 'large' currency and is valued at exactly 10 silver pieces.
  • 1 platinum piece (pp) is a circular coin with a small pentagon in the middle. This is the rarest coinage and is valued at exactly 10 gold pieces.
In addition, there are many standardized values on quality precious gems, ranging from 5 bekah of hematite at 10 gp to 5 bekah of black sapphire at 5,000 gp.   Currency is usually bundled in groups of 10, 50, or 100 coins, tied through their central hole with a leather chord. Ten coins have a prefix of decato-, 50 have a prefix of kvindek-, and 100 have a prefix of hecato-. Thus, 100 gold pieces tied in a leather chord is a hecatogold, while 10 silver pieces would be a decatosilver.


The standard currency model allows the United Halla Alliance to fairly perform trade within their nations. In general, the following is roughly the expected monthly income and expenses of broad economic statuses1.
Status Minimum Monthly Income Lifestyle Upkeep Taxes Profit
Poor 6 gp 3 gp 2 gp 6 sp 4 sp
Modest 30 gp 15 gp 10 gp 3 gp 2 gp
Comfortable 60 gp 30 gp 20 gp 6 gp 4 gp
Wealthy 120 gp 60 gp 40 gp 12 gp 8 gp
Aristocratic 300 gp 150 gp 100 gp 30 gp 20 gp
The different economic statuses can encompass many kinds of jobs and roles in society.
  • Poor includes unskilled labourer, costermongers, peddlers, thieves, and mercenaries.
  • Modest includes soldiers with families, labourers, students, priests, and hedge arcanists.
  • Comfortable includes merchants, skilled tradespeople, and military officials.
  • Wealthy includes highly successful merchants, a valuable servant of the aristocracy, and prolific businesspeople.
  • Aristocratic includes politicians, guild leaders, and high priests.
Typically, a citizen of the United Halla Alliance can expect somewhere around 10% of their income as taxes. Some nations, like Irita, have a higher tax rate but a lower lifestyle cost due to supplemental programs. Some nations, like Elkown, have a lower tax rate but a higher lifestyle cost due to the less supplemental infrastructure. Generally, it balances itself out.   Not all careers are given only coinage as part of their compensation. Many are given room, food, or other components of their lifestyle cost. This frequently estimated with an equivalent gold piece cost and considered part of their earnings.

1 Values were taken from the following reddit post: 5e commoner life and economy by bjornbob1234
Item type
Currency & Deeds
Current Location
Subtype / Model
Owning Organization
10 bi (7.1 g)
0.080 fl wide at the largest width with a hole about 0.010 fl in the middle.


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